I don't see Twitter ever implementing these lists. Maybe a 3rd party will
provide a service to compile them.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 03:56, wheresmydad.org.uk <
wheresmy...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> I just raised a support ticket, that was created as "Closed" (!)
> without any feedback, acknowledgement or answer.
> ------
> Request 785706 (Closed)
> Submitted Dec 15 01:49 am by you
> Can we have three new default lists?
> "Unlisted" - all friends/followers that are not included in one of
> your lists
> "Mutual" (or similar) - friends that are followers
> "UnMutual" (or similar) - friends that are NOT followers
> Thank you :)
> ------
> So I'm asking here as well, in the hope that at least the development
> and user community will point me in the correct direction.
> The idea is that all profiles would have the 3 lists above created
> with the account, and maintained by Twitter.
> Regards

Abraham Williams | Awesome Lists | http://bit.ly/sprout608
Project | Intersect | http://intersect.labs.poseurtech.com
Hacker | http://abrah.am | http://twitter.com/abraham
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