If you have a lot of usernames and passwords that have to be converted to OAuth, you can request a temporary xAuth approval via a...@twitter.com. However, if this is on a more permanent basis, then yes, you should let the users walk through those simple steps to authorize your application.

The single access token is only for services that work from one central account. You cannot use it to access other accounts than the account owning the application. Registering a new application for every user shouldn't be an option, so you should use the standard OAuth flow.


On 12/31/10 5:39 PM, Saeven wrote:
Hi Everyone,

Before the auth migration, I had a server-side application which using
Twitter username and password along with Zend Framework
(Zend_Service_Twitter) made checking one's follower list very simple.
This process was run autonomously, without client intervention, at a
regular interval.

More importantly, I would store a few sets of usernames and passwords
and run these for each of the former.

With the advent of OAuth, I've dug up all the documentation I could
find to discover that (please correct if wrong):

1. I had to register an application
2. I had to get this application's consumerKey and consumerSecret
3. Using the above I generated a "request token"
3. I had to use this "request token" to authorize the application from
within a browser session through a set of steps
4. This redirects me to a callback where I can capture and store an
"access token".

I've done all this pretty simply [kind of a pain that I have to do it
for each username that I need, but w/e -- I just need it working right

I've tried using this access token to perform basic queries, but I
always get a "Could not authorize you".  Bummer.

Digging further, I've found that there exists a "single access
token".  This apparently lets me perform queries against the API using
an app that I've registered [I've gotten this to work insofar as I can
successfully complete a query].  Great.  Do I however, have to now
register an app for each and every user I want to use in order to use
this method?

As you can tell, there's a degree of confusion here.  If anyone can
point me in the right direction, it'd be much appreciated.

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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