On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 5:19 AM, pksamy <p.karuppas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> i found the code to post to twitter in the following URL
> http://php-mysql.develop.sitefrost.com/blog/2009/08/21/post-to-twitter-with-php-and-curl/
> it post the content but it say like "24 minutes ago  via API" Can i
> change the API to mysite name? is it possible? please give some
> suggestion for me...

You'll want to switch to a solution that uses "Oauth" because the one
you posted uses Basic Authentication, which will no longer be
supported past this June. Google for Abraham Williams PHP Oauth for a
set of PHP scripts that can do the job for you.

When you go through the process of registering your "app" with
Twitter, as is required with solutions that use Oauth, you can name it
whatever you please, and then instead of "via API" the name of your
"app" will be shown.

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