Thanks for letting us know about this George. We're taking a look at what
happened with those indices


On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Malayil George <> wrote:

> The location of the url seems to be overlapping with that of the second
> hashtag as well :(
> Does the twitter site use a different mechanism to display entities? The
> tweet seems to display fine on
> Thanks
> George
> On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 9:31 PM, Malayil George <>wrote:
>> Hi,
>>    Pasted below is a sample status element I received while querying
>> home_timeline. While the entites are being detected, the hashtag locations
>> are incorrect. It seems to be detecting Quora as the first hashtag (ignoring
>> 194), but the location it returns seems to be of 194. And this seems to go
>> on for the next hashtag.
>> Thanks
>> George
>> <status>
>>   <created_at>Sun Jul 18 18:32:04 +0000 2010</created_at>
>>   <id>18856892413</id>
>> *  <text>DailyLinks #194 Interesting Q&amp;A from the Startups topic on
>> #Quora 1st time CEO, Ron Conway, IPO, YCombinator
>> #Startups</text>
>> *  <source>&lt;a href=&quot;;
>> rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;Brizzly&lt;/a&gt;</source>
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>>   <in_reply_to_screen_name></in_reply_to_screen_name>
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>>     <id>36704982</id>
>>     <name> Prakash S</name>
>>     <screen_name>pswam</screen_name>
>>     <location>Dubai, UAE</location>
>>     <description>Generally Useful Person :-)</description>
>>     <profile_image_url>
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>>     <profile_sidebar_border_color>D9B17E</profile_sidebar_border_color>
>>     <friends_count>292</friends_count>
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>>     <statuses_count>977</statuses_count>
>>     <lang>en</lang>
>>     <contributors_enabled>false</contributors_enabled>
>>     <follow_request_sent>false</follow_request_sent>
>>   </user>
>>   <geo/>
>>   <coordinates/>
>>   <place/>
>>   <contributors/>
>>   <entities>
>>     <user_mentions/>
>>     <urls>
>>       <url end="86" start="66">
>>         <url></url>
>>         <expanded_url/>
>>       </url>
>>     </urls>
>>     *<hashtags>
>>       <hashtag end="17" start="11">
>>         <text>Quora</text>
>>       </hashtag>
>>       <hashtag end="68" start="59">
>>         <text>Startups</text>
>>       </hashtag>
>>     </hashtags>
>>   </*entities>
>> </status>


Matt Harris
Developer Advocate, Twitter

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