This is documented, supported and subject to as much change or stasis as any
other Twitter feature.

The entire tweet is given to avoid an extra round-trip in rendering
timelines. Many our results are denormalized in this way, as a fully
normalized schema delivered via an Internet service would be impractical
from a display latency standpoint.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 7:31 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <>wrote:

> I've been looking at data acquired from the "sample" feed. In those
> tweets, I've discovered something, and I wanted to run it by Twitter
> and see if this is an official, documented API feature.
> When a tweet is a retweet using the retweet button on the web page,
> there is an extra key-value pair in a returned tweet. I've been
> handling them as JSON objects (in Perl), but I suspect other formats
> do the same. The key is "retweeted_status", and the value is an
> *entire* object containing the original tweet that was retweeted. If a
> tweet was not a retweet, this extra key-value pair isn't there.
> Questions:
> 1. Is this official, documented behavior, or did I discover it on my
> own?
> 2. Is it likely to change?
> 3. Why is the *entire* original tweet given as the value? Wouldn't it
> be enough to give the tweet ID and let the app go hunt for it if
> necessary?

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