Since you are listening, here is my feedback...

I have been running for quite a while. You may have
heard of it, maybe not... it's not huge. It never got any press, it
was only created by one guy in his spare time. It started off as a
tiny personal project, then grew into a hobby and became a site that
lots of people use everyday for real-time Twitter monitoring. It
is/was a great project to work on after I got home from my day-job and
on weekends, etc.

Now my situation has changed slightly. I am a bit pre-occupied with my
new position, can't afford to run out of my own pocket
anymore (the ads on the site barely pay for hosting/bandwidth, etc)
and generally don't have time to maintain it, so I have gotten it to a
stable place and it's been running on its own for the last few months.

Honestly, if twitter makes a change that will aversely affect the way
TweetGrid functions, then I'll basically have to kill it. It will
probably upset my users, but I don't have time for it anymore. There
are many many other sites/services (that are arguably prettier but not
as functional) that do basically the same thing which they will learn
to use and love. Maybe I should put it up for sale, who knows... the
code is a wreck, but it works.

I know I could probably opt-out of the Popular Tweets stuff with one
change to one line of code, but really its a hassle.  So please, keep
the default behavior the same as it is and make the Popular Tweets
stuff the opt-in part.

The current state of the Streaming API does not lend itself well to
browser/client facing services/tools because of the way it works...
believe me, I wrote a site that actually does this.... Comet and
browser connection demuxing is complicated and will baffle most junior
developers wanting to play with webapps.

Anyway, that's my story. Thanks for listening.


On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Taylor Singletary
<> wrote:
> Hi Developers,
> We're listening. While the popular result option in the Search API is
> absolutely opt-in at present, we are reevaluating the many arguments members
> of the developer community have against it becoming default API behavior. We
> are meeting with the teams involved to review the feedback and make
> decisions on the future of the search API. I'll make an official
> announcement once that decision is reached. Feel free to leave more
> feedback.
> In the meantime, you can prepare your applications for either outcome by
> specifying the result_type parameter in your Search API URLs. When I'm
> personally given the option to specify my intent, regardless of a default,
> assumed intent, I'll always specify.
> Taylor Singletary
> "all of us have a place in history. mine is clouds." - Richard Brautigan

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