
Sometimes Twitter Server Gives the Like that only, I Faced this problem.
u can't do only like how twitter server is doing that when u are scrolling
to the end, u blindly end send a new request with the MAX Id That u have.

if u received the tweets, u can show them in the home time line.

if u receive an empty response u can simply ignore it and remove the
progress panel(if u are showing).


On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 11:24 PM, subbi <subbired...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am working on an application which retrieves the user Home Timelines
> and save tweets to the local repository for further reference rather
> than going to the your server always.
> I am facing quite typical issue with MAX_ID  and count query
> parameters, It is not working as expected.
> My application flow looks like below.
> Initially requesting for the top 100 tweets to download in the order
> of top to down (like 800 to 700,600,500…0).
> In order to achieve the above requirements  used the following URL.
> http://api.twitter.com/version/1/home_timeline.fxml&count =100
> It is pulling the top 100 tweets as expected.
> From the next request onwards MAX_ID query parameter is used by the
> following way for limiting the results between 700 to 600.
> http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/home_timeline.xml&count
> =100&MAX_ID=8546456456
> Here MAX_ID  is  the last processed  Tweet ID (i.e 700,600,500,400
> tweet ID’s)  obtained in the previous XML,
> Strangely I am receiving the less number of tweets   instead  of
> “COUNT” value i.e 100 tweets ( getting 96 or 98 tweets in the 4th and
> 3rd requests itself although there are some more old tweets available
> to download).
>  I made totally 8 requests for downloading all tweets but I have got
> 96 and 98 in the 3rd and 4th requests only.
> In Twitter Dev forum  some  discussion  was there that if received
> tweet count is less than Count parameter  value then their won’t be
> any more  tweets to download.  So as of this I should stop looking for
> old tweets in the 4th and 3rd requests itself but this is not true in
> my case.
> My problem is where should I stop requesting for the old tweets?
> Do I need to continue until I receive ZERO tweets?
> Please direct me to solve this issue.
> PS: Noticed that this is happening if I receive new tweets while
> downloading the old tweets.
> --
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