Sure, do this:

1) Find the place ID of the Staples Center:
=> The place ID is 7893eab4ca4c1efb (second result)

2) Get all tweets from that ID:

If you only have 100 places, you could probably do 100 searches and
find the best result by hand when there are multiple results.


On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 9:35 AM, ELB <> wrote:
> The "statuses/update" API  linked to (
> statuses/update or 
> is the method that is used for an authenticated Twitter user to add
> his/her own new Tweet.  (It's not a method of returning Tweets already
> created by other users.)
> We don't want to create Tweets from a given place - instead we want to
> use the Twitter API to publish Tweets from a given place.
> So, here is our page about the Staples Center in Los Angeles.
> our goal is to publish the most recent Tweets, made from the Staples
> Center - on this page...
> would this be possible based on the current Twitter API?

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