Are you repeating the process to get the access token on every authenticated
request, or are taking your access token components from a database (or
other storage medium) and re-using them?

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 8:53 AM, ggcc11 <> wrote:

> I create a jsp project about twitter api.When I run it on my own local
> jsp server,tomcat,it works correctly.So I upload it to google app
> engine.On the app engine,If I visit the unnecessary authorized
> api,such as public_timeline,it works well.But when it need
> authorize,such as home_timeline,it always response the 'Invalid / used
> nonce' error.Why?
> here is the location detail:
> my location:China
> google app engine's location:may be US,absolutely not in China
> When program get the access_token,it will send request to
> home_timeline.
> There are two http head from twitter api via two different web server:
> google app engine:
> OAuth oauth_consumer_key="9WXY7kD9XiznbN4zRMyNuA",
> oauth_nonce="92fa4a6aa648672cf26dbb05a9b4a744",
> oauth_signature="iq9N97qB1x9Ae251cxv%2Bvvmyjn0%3D",
> oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1276437638",
> oauth_token="154805754-WwhuUbBdwmfOcajq0jxfDg4Ers8St4N6lHe3FmrU",
> oauth_version="1.0"
> my local tomcat:
> OAuth oauth_consumer_key="9WXY7kD9XiznbN4zRMyNuA",
> oauth_nonce="4e3de3e506b8cf961d3d02d2aca1c8ed",
> oauth_signature="860zZiqdK9DuXOvUDBLZMMhgm2M%3D",
> oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1276437655",
> oauth_token="154805754-WwhuUbBdwmfOcajq0jxfDg4Ers8St4N6lHe3FmrU",
> oauth_version="1.0"
> part of code:
> tk = sb.getAccessToken(tk, pin);
> req = new Request(Request.Verb.GET,"
> home_timeline.xml");
> sb.signRequest(req, tk);
> resp = req.send();
> out.println(resp.getBody());
> res=req.getHeaders().get("Authorization");
> System.out.println(res);
> ps:
> pin is the user authorized code,
> tk is the access_token,
> signRequest means add the tk to request stream,
> the result will be printed to the web browser,
> res is the http header which like I mentioned above.
> Need any more infomation?
> Thanks for tolerating my ravings

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