On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Chris Bailey <ch...@cobaltedge.com> wrote:
> 1) I don't always get 100 tweets back, even though I specified 100 for
> the count.

For what I got, Twitter first retrieve the tweets from the cache and
then tests if some of those were removed. In your case, 2 tweets were
deleted and, thus, not returned in the result (although they still
were present in the cache.)

> 2) I get zero tweets back on about page 9, yet, according to the
> pagination and rate limiting docs, I should be able to do about 32
> pages (rate limit of 3200 tweets, with asking for 100 per page)

I did a quick search and couldn't find anything. But, again, if my
memory doesn't fail, the total number of tweets you can retrieve are
based on the total number of tweets in the cache.

Either that or I'm confusing it with the search cache.

Julio Biason <julio.bia...@gmail.com>
Twitter: http://twitter.com/juliobiason

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