Hi Grant,

Paging is still the best way to accomplish this, as we've yet to implement
any date-or-time-specific filtering options to any REST timeline methods.


On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 2:40 AM, Grant <gfguth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Searching through the group, there have been a few requests for this
> functionality, with the only 'official' reply coming from al3x in a
> thread back in 2007 that he'd certainly hope to have it in by the end
> of the year.
> Would it be possible to get someone from the team to say "yes, we
> really want to add this too", or a "keep dreaming, pal"?
> Primarily, this would save from having to page until I've got all the
> statuses for a given timespan. It's fine if the official answer is
> that you're just supposed to keep on paging, I guess I'd just like to
> know.
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