[twsocket] Refusing client connection

2008-05-09 Thread Clément Doss

I built a server program, and a few clients. Each client has a specific 
scope and uses some of the server features. On of the client software 
has the ability to restart the server.

That's where the problem begins. While the server is shutting down, I 
must broadcast a shutdown to all connected client softwares so they 
can close gracefully. But, during this process, I don't want any new 
connection to be made.

How would be the best way to deal with this?


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[twsocket] Notifying clients that TWSocketThrdServer is shutting down

2008-05-05 Thread Clément Doss

I'm working on a project (Delphi 7, and ICS V5).
I built a server using TWSocketThrdServer and the clients are derived 
from TWSocketThrdClient.
Here is the code:

   TTaskClientTCP = Class( TWSocketThrdClient )
 Buffer  : String;
 ConnectTime : TDateTime;

procedure TTaskServerTCP.Internal_ClientCreated(Sender: TObject;
  Client: TWSocketClient);
 Client.OnDataAvailable := InternalEvent_ClientDataReceived;

procedure TTaskServerTCP.Internal_ClientConnected(Sender: TObject;
  Client: TWSocketClient; ErrCode : Word);
TTaskClientTCP(Client).ConnectTime := now;

procedure TTaskServerTCP.InternalEvent_ClientDataReceived(Sender: TObject;
  ErrCode: Word);
if ErrCode = 0 then begin
   TTaskClientTCP( Sender ).Buffer := TTaskClientTCP( Sender 
   Internal_ProcessClientData(TTaskClientTCP( Sender ) );

 two situations might happen:

1) Administrator must shutdown the server. During this shutdown I would 
like to send a msg to all clients and disconnect them gracefully.

2) A specific client software that is used by a single power user can 
request a server restart. I would like to send a command to all the 
clients that a restart has been requested. The restart should disconnect 
all clients, wait a few seconds, and reconnect again.

In my current implementation, this is still not implemented. If the 
server shuts down with live clients, bad things happens to the client 
side. The only option, is to disconnect all the clients (one by one), 
then disconnect the server. If the latter is done, the application can 
be used without any problems.

What would be the safer way to implement this shutdown? Should the 
server call a DisconnectAll, or should the server send a message to the 
client, and wait till all the clients are offline.
Is there any sample of such procedure?

Best regards,

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Re: [twsocket] Newbie question : Working with Long strings

2007-09-26 Thread Clément Doss
Hello Wilfried,

Thanks for helping me!
 Hello Clément,

 I searched some examples, but most of them use LineMode and LineLimit. I'm 
 that's not an option.

 Wy is that not an option ? What is the problem with it ? Just terminate
 your data with a charcter that cannot be in the data itself and your
 whole problem is solved.

Ok. But can I place a LineLimit over 200kbytes? or better yet,
unlimited? (those help files can get very big may be over 1Mb)
Can I set the LineLimit at runtime at any time? Where/when should be the
correct place to update LineLimit? For example, once I check the data
length is larger then the limit, then I add a few more bytes, save this
new limit in a .ini for example.

Best regards,

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[twsocket] Newbie question : Working with Long strings

2007-09-25 Thread Clément Doss

I am using D7 and ICS v5 on a Server / Client project.
The client can send something like :
   100 REQUEST HELP {somecommand}

and the server can answer with a small text, or a large one. In my example, 
there's a
104 kbytes file. Not very large, but large enough to trigger several 

I searched some examples, but most of them use LineMode and LineLimit. I'm 
that's not an option.
So I wrote the following code, but I'm still lost:

procedure TMyClient.Event_DataAvailabe( Sender : TObject; Error : Word );
   BufSize = 4096;
   zBuf : Array[0..BufSize-1] of Ansichar;
   Len  : Integer;

{ Remember: we use line mode. We will always receive complete lines }
with Sender as TWSocket do
 Len := Receive(@zBuf, BufSize );

// here I expect Len = BufSize. If it's equal than may be there's more 
// read. How can I be sure? Does ICS have some internal flag ?

if Len = 0 then begin
   // Something happened!! What?

if Len=-1 then begin
   // Seems to be the end of a long string. Once len = -1, can
   // this event be fired again?

// Now the problem:
// I must cache the received zBuf
FRcvBuf := FRcvBuf+ string(zBuf);

// If we read all the data, we display it
if {Some condition met} then begin
   DisplayMemo.Lines.Add(FRcvBuf );
   FRcvBuf := '';

Am I on the right track?
Can somebody help me?

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