回覆: Re: [twsocket] HttpCli - Bandwid th

2006-02-28 Thread kenforever
thanks, I have understand. --- Francois Piette [EMAIL PROTECTED] 說: HttpCli-BandwidthLimit=500; HttpCli-BandwidthSampling=10; Dose anyone know these property how to use, and what's happen when using these setting? This is to limit the bandwidth the component

[twsocket] HttpCli - Bandwidth

2006-02-27 Thread kenforever
HttpCli-BandwidthLimit=500; HttpCli-BandwidthSampling=10; Dose anyone know these property how to use, and what's happen when using these setting? ___ YM - 離線訊息 就算你沒有上網,你的朋友仍可以留下訊息給你,當你上網時就能立即看到,任何說話都冇走失。

[twsocket] [Error] Multiple declaration

2006-02-20 Thread kenforever
When I creat ThttpCli and TidHttp at the same time I have compilier Error, and how should I resolve it? [C++ Error] winsock2.h(109): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'fd_set' [C++ Error] winsock.h(54): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'fd_set' [C++ Error] winsock2.h(112): E2146 Need an identifier to