Almost the end of six months of changes, the ICS SSL web and proxy
can now automatically order and install SSL certificates if so
from various suppliers, including free certificates from Let's Encrypt,
commercial certificates for DigiCert, Comodo, Thawte and GeoTrust from
CertCentre AG.  For automated ordering, Domain Validation is used which
means the web server must be accessible from the public internet by all
host names for which an SSL certificate is being ordered. See
OverbyteIcsSslX509Certs.pas fore more info.

SSL certificate ordering is built into TWSocketServer using IcsHosts,
any servers based on these can add ordering with minimal new code.

The OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebServ and OverbyteIcsProxySslServer samples
order SSL certificates provided they are accessible from the public
internet and all the INI file settings are updated accordingly.  The
OverbyteIcsX509CertsTst sample includes a built in web server and will
order certificates on it's own or for other web servers.

All the planned code for this release is done, I've run out of time for
documentation until next week, and there is a problem building the FMX
libraries currently only done for 10.2, causing VCL to be dragged in,
not find why.  Was not intending to support FMX, but TWSocketServer
it, which dragged in several units not previously supported for FMX.
So please only build for VCL at present.  

Currently you need to download from SVN or the nightly zip to get this
functionality, there will be a final release within two weeks once more
documentation is completed and some extra REST examples added. 

All four of my public web servers installed their own Let's Encrypt
certificates last week, so this release is ready for use.  


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