> This server responding but incorrectly ! 
> After connect they return just array of zeroes #0 without any data.

This is now fixed, but needs more testing before I commit it to SVN.
> This will works only for Smtp protocol. But I think it's should be 
> fixed on TWSocket level to fix possible problems with all remaining 
> protocols.

We have a long term problem with ICS, that different protocol components were
written and updated at different times, often using differing techniques.

For instance, most protocols use ASCII command lines and TWSocket offers 
LineMode to
return simple lines, and yet many protocols have their own line parsing code
duplicating LineMode, but not always successfully as with your bad server.  

I used LineMode for the SMTP server, and the HTTP client uses it for commands 
changes back to binary for bodies), but the SMTP, POP3 and FTP clients don't 
use it
and all have different line parsing functions.  

I guess the reason the protocols were not updated to LineMode is not wanting to
change something that works.  But sometimes the benefit of a change are 
justified by
increasing reliability, as with your bad server, where the data is simply 
and the remote server drops the connection.  

I'll also update the POP3 client, since I'm updating two of my own applications 
send and receive email, and I can test the changes easily.


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