> It's annoyed me for many years that many internet applications give
unfriendly errors, 
> sometimes just five digit error codes, sometimes terse messages.  
> Specifically, when starting a server on an address and port that is being
> the current ICS exception is:
> Address already in use (#10048 in Bind)
> I propose to change this to:
> Another server is already listening on

This is not a bad idea but the implementation must be made so that no
existing code is broken. It is likely that existing code rely on those
specific error string.

IMO the correct way to handle this enhancement is to extend ESocketException
to add more fields with more details about the exception, without changing
the current error message.

Currently we simply have:
  ESocketException   = class(Exception);

It could become:
  ESocketException   = class(Exception)
    FIP           : String;
    FPort         : String;
    FProto        : String;
        FErrorCode    : Integer;
    FErrorMessage : string;
    constructor Create(AErrorCode           : Integer; 
                           const AErrorMessage  : String; 
                                           const AMessage       : String;
                       const AIP            : String;
                       const APort          : String;
                       const AProto         : String);
    property IP           : String  read FIP;
    property Port         : String  read FPort;
    property Proto        : String  read FProto;
        property ErrorCode    : Integer read FErrorCode;
    property ErrorMessage : String  read FErrorMessage;

constructor EHTTPProtocolException.Create(
    AErrorCode           : Integer; 
        const AErrorMessage  : String; 
        const AMessage       : String;
    const AIP            : String;
    const APort          : String;
    const AProto         : String);
  FErrorCode    := AErrorCode;
  FErrorMessage := AErrorMessage;
  FIP           := AIP;
  FPort         := APort;
  FProto        := AProto;
  inherited Create(AMessage);

The argument ErrorMessage shall be the current exception message so that
current user code is not broken.
Of course you may add more fields to better describe the exception and you
may create a whole hierarchy, for example by high level protocol.

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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