New TSslCertTools component to create and sign certificates.
More minor SSL improvements.
Major update of OverbyteIcsPemtool sample.

The main SSL changes have been running on my public server since
December, but the new TSslCertTools component still needs more testing
and is missing some minor functionality, any comments appreciated.

The two main functional changes are that ICS now supports all the
common SSL certificate file formats (previously just PEM) so it should
no longer be necessary to mess around with the OpenSSL tools converting
file formats, and now support Elliptic Curve (ECDSA) private keys and
certificates, which have lower overhead than RSA keys and certificates.

There is also a major change to SSL debug logging.  Previously
loSslInfo created vast log files with lots of BIO lines which were not
related to the SSL protocol but which are really for internal ICS
development. These BIO lines have now gone, and been replaced by some
more useful debugging lines and full hex dumps of all SSL protocol
packets.  If decoded, these dumps can be used to locate SSL protocol
issues when negotiation fails, which can currently be done using
Wireshark externally. Unfortunately decoding these protocol packets is
not trivial, there is a new event OnSslProtoMsg which receives the raw
data if someone has the time to look further at this.

Jan 27, 2017  V8.40
TX509Base can now read and save all common X509 certificate file
.PEM, .CER, .CRT - Base64 encoded DER - LoadFromPemFile/SaveToPemFile
.DER, .CER, .CRT - binary DER - LoadFromPEMFile/SaveToDERFile
.P7B, .P7R, .SPC - PKCS#7 - LoadFromP7BFile/SaveToP7BFile
.PFX, .P12 - PKCS#12 - LoadFromP12File/SaveToP12File
PEM/P12 may have certificate and private key
PEM/P7B/P12 may have extra intermediate certificates

LoadFromFile/SaveToFile uses file extension to choose file format.

Extra options for TX509Base methods to load and save files to specify
if private key should be read or saved and the password.

TX509Base will now encrypt private keys with a password.

CheckCertAndPKey in TX509Base checks cert and pkey match.

SslCertX509 in context now public not published, returns certificate
and private key from the context rather than what was loaded, and may
be used to set both, overriding any previous settings.

Fixed bug in TX509Base.SerialNumHex to show correct serial, note most
browsers display serial in hex not a numeric value.

Added SerialNumHexto GetCertInfo.

Fixed bug in TX509Base.SerialNum to clear SSL error for an illegal
serial, to avoid handshaking later failing with 'asn1_get_uint64:too
large' (mainly when logging was enabled).

TX509Base.SerialNum now returns an int64 instead of integer, but only
correctly with 1.1.0 and later (or use SerialNumHex instead).

Added SslSecLevel to context to set security level (1.1.0 and later),
defaults to sslSecLevel80bits, set sslSecLevelNone for SSLv3.

Added CheckPrivateKey to context which checks loaded certificate and
private key match.

Added OnSslProtoMsg event which receives SSL protocol messages (in
binary, need decoding) for debugging purposes.

Added loSslDevel to ICS logger which replaces many loSslInfo logging
lines for BIO. read and write which are really internal ICS development
use to make logging more readable, added more useful loSslInfo lines.

Added SslBuildCertChain to context for servers to validate correct
certificates loaded OK  (not sure how useful yet).

Added SslGetCertChain to context for servers to get list of
certificates in chain (not sure how useful yet).

Added ReadOnly option to IcsSslOpenFileBio since mostly we don't want
to update certificates.

GetKeyInfo now support both RSA and EC keys, displays curve names.
Added GetPKeyRawText to display private key raw values.

Added PrivateKeyInfo to display private key type and size.

Added CertPolicies, AuthorityKeyId, SubjectKeyId and CRLDistribution
extended certificate properties.

Added ExtendedValidation returns true for EV certificates.

OpenSSL 1.1.0 and later support security levels, as follows:
TSslSecLevel = (
sslSecLevelAny,        // 0 - anything allowed, old compatibility
sslSecLevel80bits,     // 1 - default, RSA/DH keys=>1024, ECC=>160,
no MD5
sslSecLevel112bits,    // 2 - RSA/DH keys=>2048, ECC=>224, no RC4,
no SSL3, no SHA1 certs
sslSecLevel128bits,    // 3 - RSA/DH keys=>3072, ECC=>256, FS
forced, no TLS/1.0
sslSecLevel192bits,    // 4 - RSA/DH keys=>7680, ECC=>384, no SHA1
suites, no TLS/1.1
sslSecLevel256bits);   // 5 - RSA/DH keys=>15360, ECC=>512

Added more functions to get and check context certs.
Added Protocol Message callback functions for handshake debugging
Added Security Level functions (1.1.0 and later)
Added 200 more certificate, EC key, digest, encryption and signing
functions (but still over 3,000 missing, fortunately not needed often).


Jan 27, 2017  V8.40 Angus

New TSslCertTools component to create and sign certificates.

Create Elliptic Curve/ECDSA private keys.

Create certificate request from old certificate.

Sign certificate requests as CA.

Create DHParam files.

Add alternate extended properties to certs, DNS and IP addresses.

Added TEvpCipher and TEvpDigest (hash) types supported by OpenSSL.

Display Sha1Hex in General certificate as Fingerprint.

Pending - short term
Saving more X509v3 extensions for requests and certs
Saving intermediate certs in files
Saving a CA databases of certificates created
Sign buffers and files with private keys and digests

Pending - long term
Download free SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt using ACME protocol
Create string and file encryption component from existing functions

Using TSslCertTools component

The main test application for the component is the OverbyteIcsPemtool
sample, which illustrates use of all the methods and properties.

Message digests or hashes:
TEvpDigest = (Digest_md5, Digest_mdc2, Digest_sha1, Digest_sha224,
Digest_sha256, Digest_sha384, Digest_sha512, Digest_ripemd160);

Private key algorithm and key length in bits, bracketed comment is
security level and effective bits, beware long RSA key lengths increase
SSL overhead heavily:
TSslPrivKeyType = (
PrivKeyRsa1024,   // level 1 - 80 bits
PrivKeyRsa2048,   // level 2 - 112 bits
PrivKeyRsa3072,   // level 3 - 128 bits
PrivKeyRsa4096,   // level 3 - 148 bits?
PrivKeyRsa7680,   // level 4 - 192 bits
PrivKeyRsa15360,  // level 5 - 256 bits
PrivKeyECsecp256, // level 3 - 128 bits
PrivKeyECsecp384, // level 4 - 192 bits
PrivKeyECsecp512, // level 5 - 256 bits
PrivKeyECX25519); // level 3 - 128 bits

Private key file encryption:
TSslPrivKeyCipher = (
PrivKeyEncNone, PrivKeyEncTripleDES, PrivKeyEncIDEA, PrivKeyEncAES128,
PrivKeyEncAES192, PrivKeyEncAES256, PrivKeyEncBlowfish128);

Create a new private key file
A private key is required to create a self signed certificate or a
certificate request, and needs to be installed on any SSL servers
(never distribute it).
1 - Set property PrivKeyType (RSA or EC) from TSslPrivKeyType.
2 - Create keys using DoKeyPair method checking exception for any
3 - PrivateKey property contains pointer to new private key.
4 - If file to be encrypted, set property PrivKeyCipher from
5 - Save private key to file using PrivateKeySaveToPemFile method with
optional password.
6 - Optionally save public key to file using PublicKeySaveToPemFile

Create a new certificate request from properties
A certificate request is needed to buy a commercial SSL certificate
from a public certificate authority and most importantly specifies the
host domain name of the public SSL server it will secure.
1 - Create a new private key (see above) or load an old key using
PrivateKeyLoadFromPemFile or PrivateKeyLoadFromText methods.
2 - Specify request properties, CommonName (host domain name), Country,
State, Locality, Organization, OrgUnit, KeyDigiSign, KeyKeyEnc, etc, as
3 - Create request using DoCertReqProps method checking exception for
any errors.
4 - X509Req property contains pointer to new request.
5 - Save request to PEM file using SaveReqToFile method.
6 - Optionally save request to string using SaveReqToText method.

Create a new certificate request from old certificate
This is a shorter way to create a new request when renewing an existing
certificate with the same private key.
1 - Load existing certificate using LoadFromFile or LoadFromText
2 - Load private key for existing certificate using
PrivateKeyLoadFromPemFile or
PrivateKeyLoadFromText methods.
3 - Create request using DoCertReqOld method checking exception for any
4 - X509Req property contains pointer to new request.
5 - Save request to PEM file using SaveReqToFile method.
6 - Optionally save request to string using SaveReqToText method.

Create new self signed certificate from properties
Self signed certificates are mostly used for testing SSL applications
on temporary servers, prior to final deployment to a public server with
a commercial SSL certificate.  Can also used for internal networks.
May also be used to create your own CA certificate if you want to sign
your own certificates.
1 - Create a new private key (see above) or load an old key using
PrivateKeyLoadFromPemFile or PrivateKeyLoadFromText methods.
2 - Specify certificate properties, CommonName (host domain name),
Country, State, Locality, Organization, OrgUnit, KeyDigiSign, KeyKeyEnc,
etc, as needed.
3 - Create certificate using DoSelfSignCert method checking exception
for any errors.
4 - X509 property contains pointer to new certificate.
5 - If file to be encrypted, set property PrivKeyCipher from
6 - Save certificate to file using SaveToFile method with the file
extension specifying the format that should be used.  Options include
IncludePrivateKey which will save the private key into the same PEM or
P12 file, and optional password.
7 - Optionally save certificate to string using SaveCertToText method.

Create new CA signed certificate from certificate request
This is how commercial certificate authorities create SSL certificates
from a request, signing it with their own CA certificate (root or
intermediate) that will be trusted by Windows due to the root already
being installed locally. For development, you can create your own CA
root certificate and install it in the Windows certificate store of any
test computers, then create certificates signed by the root and they
will be trusted by Windows without  needing to accept security
exceptions as happens with self signed certificates.
1 - The CA certificate and CA private key need to loaded using
LoadFromFile and PrivateKeyLoadFromPemFile into X509 and PrivateKey,
and these properties assigned to X509CA and PrivKeyCA respectively.
2 - Load certificate request using LoadReqFromFile.
3 - Currently the subject certificate properties are taken from the
request and can not be edited, extended properties are currently taken
from properties, KeyDigiSign, KeyKeyEnc, etc, as needed.  This needs
more work for flexibility.
4 - Create certificate using DoSignCertReq method checking exception
for any errors.
5 - X509 property contains pointer to new certificate.
6 - If file to be encrypted, set property PrivKeyCipher from
7 - Savecertificate to file using SaveToFile method with the file
extension specifying the format that should be used.  Options include
IncludePrivateKey which will save the private key into the same PEM or
P12 file, and optional password.
8 - Optionally save certificate to string using SaveCertToText method.
Beware the private key used to create the request must be loaded into
PrivateKey property before saving a private key with the certificate,
otherwise the CA key may be incorrectly saved.

Pending - save details of certificates created to database, to support
transparency and certificate revocation lists.  Currently certificates
have random serial numbers, should allow sequential numbers to be

Convert certificate from one file format to another
1 - Load existing certificate using LoadFromFile or LoadFromText
2 - Optionally load private key for existing certificate using
PrivateKeyLoadFromPemFile or PrivateKeyLoadFromText methods.
4 - If file to be encrypted, set property PrivKeyCipher from
4 - Save certificate to file using SaveToFile method with the file
extension specifying the format that should be used.  Options include
IncludePrivateKey which will save the private key into the same PEM or
P12 file, and optional password. One use for this is to convert base64
DER/PEM certificates into P12/PVX format that can be easily installed
into the Windows certificate store.

Create New DHParams File
DHParams contain prime numbers needed to support DH and DHE ciphers
(but not ECDH and ECDHE).  Ideally they should be unique per server
and/or application and some applications even generate new params each
day.  But finding prime numbers is time consuming, the shortest 1,024
bits can take up a minute, 2,048 bits several minutes, 4,096 bits a few
hours, and gave up with 8,192 bits after two days.  ICS include
constants sslDHParams2048 and sslDHParams4096 to save you calculating
your own.
1 - Assign OnKeyProgress event handler with Application.ProcessMessages
and optionally a progress indicator so the application remains
responsive while calculating DHParams.
2 - Create DHParams using DoDHParams method passing new file name and
number of bits, 768, 1024, 20248, 4096, 8192.
3 - Optionally save DHParams string returned by DoDHParams method.


Jan 27, 2017 V8.40 Angus
Display multiple certificate file formats.

Using new TSslCertTools component to read, create and save certificates,
private keys, certificate requests, DHParams, and to sign requests as a
certificate authority.

This tool can now be used to convert different format certificate files
between formats, by reading one format and saving as a different format.
Also combining keys and certificates in a file.

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