colin masters wrote:
> I am creating the component at runtime, which seems to work well,
> however is there a way to surpress the connection timeout message if
> I can not connect to a web site as I do not wish to see it. 

What message do you mean? Do you call synchronous methods and do not
want to show component's own timeout exceptions?:

  HttpCli1.Get; // synchronous method
  if (HttpCli1.StatusCode = 404) and
     (Pos('aborted on timeout', HttpCli1.ReasonPhrase) > 0) then
    Exit; // ignore

If you need finer grained control I'd use the asynchronous methods
instead and handle specific errors in OnRequestDone event handler,
however async methods do not implement a general timeout detection,
only DNS lookup and connect failures are triggered.

Arno Garrels
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