Arno Garrels wrote:
> Hoby Smith wrote:
>> However, being that this thread is in a FireMonkey HD app, I am
>> unsure how to proceed.  Do all the threading message pump issues
>> still apply?
> Yes. In Windows anyway and in Posix there's Window's messaging
> emulated (as it's needed to not change ICS' source code too much). In
> Posix a 
> thread doesn't have to call GetMessage(), PeekMessage() that's the
> major difference.

Actually it's simpler than it sounds, if you do not use your own
message loop but ICS' method MessageLoop, there's nothing to
change for OSX. If you use your own message loop a few IFDEF's are required, 
which isn't a big deal and something I'll show in a 
new demo when I have some spare time.

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