Arno Garrels wrote:
> If you send that file to me as PM
> I'll take a look at it when 
> I have some minutes, 

Hello Wilfried,

Received your log thanks, it looks strange!
When I try to Post some nonsense data to your URL it
works as expected (404 return). Strange is that the server seems 
to initiate a SSL/TLS renegotiation so there are two  
OnSslHandshakeDone events for me.
The first handshake in _your log succeeds however the second fails:
- 15:13:48:793 ICB> SSL3 alert read fatal handshake failure
- 15:13:48:803 00A94398 BIO_read(sslbio, 0x1, 0) = 0   [186]
- 15:13:48:803 00A94398  1812  [187] error:14094410:SSL 
routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure 

Maybe a newer OpenSSL libraries will help since some older versions
did not support renegotiation due to some security issue that was 
fixed in newer versions. In my test above I used Openssl v0.9.8x 
32-bits from:
with latest ICSv8, latest ICSv7 should make no difference in this

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