
Yesterday I added a new string member "FriendlyName" to record TCharsetInfo
in unit OverbyteIcsCharsetUtils.pas.
The array "TCharsetInfos" (of TCharsetInfo) is populated at unit initialization.
I declared these user-friendly names as resource strings rather than consts
so they can easily be localized, the records are populated like this:

CharsetInfos[I].MimeCharset   := SHIFT_JIS;
CharsetInfos[I].CodePage      := 932;
CharsetInfos[I].MimeName      := CsuString('shift_jis ms_kanji csshiftjis');
CharsetInfos[I].FriendlyName  := sJapaneseJIS; 

Whereas "sJapaneseJIS" is the resource string. 
This works well as long as I do not build with runtime packages.
With runtime packages FriendlyName is empty :(

Does anybody know why?

Arno Garrels  

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