Re: [twsocket] FTP Server - Identify moment of Put file

2011-05-08 Thread Tomasz Maciejewski
Hi !
I promise that is the last question :)

Synchronous function Put always return false, but file is
succesfully transfered to server...
I don't know why... Please, help :)

Server Source

  FFtpServ := TFtpServer.Create(nil);
  FFtpServ.OnStorSessionClosed := OnAfterPut;
  FFtpServ.OnValidatePut := ValidPut;
  FFtpServ.Addr := FAddr;
  FFtpServ.Port := FPortFTP;
  FFtpServ.TimeoutSecsIdle := 0;

procedure TDM.OnAfterPut(Sender: TObject; Client: TFtpCtrlSocket;
  Data: TWSocket; AError: Word);
  Script: string;
  if AError = 0 then
Script := '_' + Client.FileName;
F7z.SZFileName := Client.FileName;

procedure TDM.ValidPut(Sender: TObject; Client: TFtpCtrlSocket;
  var FilePath: TFtpString; var Allowed: Boolean);
  FilePath := FDir + '\' + ExtractFileName(FilePath);

Client Part

  FFtp := TFtpClient.Create(nil);
  FFtp.MultiThreaded := True;
  FFtp.UserName := 'lab';
  FFtp.PassWord := 'lab';
  FFtp.Binary := True;
  FFtp.Port := DM.FPortFTP;
  FFtp.HostName := DM.FHostServ;
  FFtp.LocalAddr := DM.FHost;
  FFtp.LocalFileName := 'filee'
  FFtp.HostFileName := 'filee'

  if not FFtp.Connected then

  if FFtp.Connected then
if FFtp.Put then


2011/5/6 Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 *Subject:* Re: [twsocket] FTP Server - Identify moment of Put file
 *From:* Tomasz Maciejewski
 *To:* ICS support mailing
 *Date:* Fri, 6 May 2011 12:46:06 +0200
 Is possible to send file from server to
 client without request from client ?

 Not really, the FTP server only ever responds to commands from clients,
 it has no concept of running commands on it's own.

 In theory, if the client keeps a control connection open and sends a
 'please wait' command, the server could pause for an event and send a
 custom response to the client to allow the client to start a download.
 But this would need custom commands in client and server.

 Assuming this is some private application, the easier solution is for the
 client PC to have a small custom server running, even UDP which is very
 easy, and for the main server to use a simple protocol to sends commands
 to the client, which then triggers the FTP download.
 I did this a few years ago to get 500 remote PCs to download new files on


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Server - Identify moment of Put file

2011-05-08 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Synchronous function Put always return false, but file is
 succesfully transfered to server...
 I don't know why... Please, help :)

I assume you are now referring to the FTP client software.  

You need to check StatusCode for the FTP server response code, 200 for OK,
with the full textual server response in LastResponse.  RequestResult is
non-zero when the request completes, but may be a non-FTP error such as
file not found or DNS failure.  

The return code of Put (and the other sync methods) is whether
RequestResult is non-zero, ie the request started OK, not that it
succeeded OK. 

For the FTP client side, you can use my TMagFTP component, that hides
most of this stuff from you, allowing transfer of multiple files and
subdirectories with a single function call.


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Server - Identify moment of Put file

2011-05-08 Thread Tomasz Maciejewski
thanks for the explain.
After Put, I checked LastResponse property and always has value '150
Opening data connection for  Also property Connected is setted to

If I can not fix it, then I'll use Your pack :)

2011/5/8 Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Synchronous function Put always return false, but file is
 succesfully transfered to server...
 I don't know why... Please, help :)

 I assume you are now referring to the FTP client software.

 You need to check StatusCode for the FTP server response code, 200 for OK,
 with the full textual server response in LastResponse.  RequestResult is
 non-zero when the request completes, but may be a non-FTP error such as
 file not found or DNS failure.

 The return code of Put (and the other sync methods) is whether
 RequestResult is non-zero, ie the request started OK, not that it
 succeeded OK.

 For the FTP client side, you can use my TMagFTP component, that hides
 most of this stuff from you, allowing transfer of multiple files and
 subdirectories with a single function call.


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Server - Identify moment of Put file

2011-05-06 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 How to identify moment of uploaded file ?
 I'd like to do some operations on file, which come from client

OnStorSessionClosed triggers when PUT finishes, you need to check AError
to see if it worked, then the Client parameter gives you access to the
file details, ie Client.FilePath, Client.DataStream, etc.  


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Server - Identify moment of Put file

2011-05-06 Thread Tomasz Maciejewski
Many thanks ! It's working.
I have one more question: Is possible to send file from server to
client without request from client ?

2011/5/6 Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 How to identify moment of uploaded file ?
 I'd like to do some operations on file, which come from client

 OnStorSessionClosed triggers when PUT finishes, you need to check AError
 to see if it worked, then the Client parameter gives you access to the
 file details, ie Client.FilePath, Client.DataStream, etc.


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Server - Identify moment of Put file

2011-05-06 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 *Subject:* Re: [twsocket] FTP Server - Identify moment of Put file
 *From:* Tomasz Maciejewski
 *To:* ICS support mailing
 *Date:* Fri, 6 May 2011 12:46:06 +0200
 Is possible to send file from server to
 client without request from client ?

Not really, the FTP server only ever responds to commands from clients,
it has no concept of running commands on it's own.  

In theory, if the client keeps a control connection open and sends a
'please wait' command, the server could pause for an event and send a
custom response to the client to allow the client to start a download.
But this would need custom commands in client and server. 

Assuming this is some private application, the easier solution is for the
client PC to have a small custom server running, even UDP which is very
easy, and for the main server to use a simple protocol to sends commands
to the client, which then triggers the FTP download. 
I did this a few years ago to get 500 remote PCs to download new files on


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