Tobias Rapp wrote:
> Hi!
> I have found a small bug in ICS V5 HttpSrv.pas within procedure
> tHttpConnection.Answer401:
>    Header := FVersion + ' 401 Unauthorized' + #13#10 +
>              'WWW-Authenticate: ' +
>              //'Digest realm=' + FAuthRealm +        // original
>              'Digest realm="' + FAuthRealm + '"' +   // fixed
>              ', qop="'       + AuthString + '"' +
>              ', nonce="'     + FAuthDigestServerNonce + '"' +
>              ', opaque="'    + FAuthDigestServerOpaque + '"';
>    if FAuthDigestStale then
>        Header := Header + ', stale="true"';

Thanks, I just checked in your fix.
svn:// or 
usercode = ics and password = ics


> I must admit that I don't know which version conforms to the
> standards. It's just the case that in the original code version the
> auth realm is displayed wrong in Mozilla Firefox.  
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