You cannot simply Post a file to a HTTP server, what you need
is a cgi or php script on the server. An example can be found 
on the User Made pages. Search for HTTPCLIEXAMPLE.ZIP

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

dpap wrote:
> Hi,
> I try your HTTP demo to put a small text file to my website and I get the
> following results *************************************
> Not using proxy
> cmd> PUT /test.txt HTTP/1.0
> cmd> Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
> cmd> Connection: Keep-Alive
> cmd> Content-Type: text/plain
> cmd> User-Agent: Mozilla/3.0 (compatible)
> cmd> Host:
> cmd> Content-Length: 13
> cmd>
> text/html => test.txt
> Location =
> URL =
> Document = test.txt
> RequestDone, no error. Status =403
> POST Failed !
> StatusCode   = 403
> ReasonPhrase = Forbidden
> *********************************************
> With FTP protocol there isnn't any problem (access requires username and
> password). Giving (or not) the same username and password to the HTTP
> component hasn't any difference. Changing protocol version HTTP/1.0 to
> 1.1 the same. I give all access rights to the folder (user-team-all)
> nothing.   
> I'm sure that I'm doing some mistakes because I have try other components
> without success, but what are they? 
> thanks in advance
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