Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
>> Since Delphi and ICS goes Unicode I suggest to replace
>> TIniFile by TRegIniFile in all demo applications.
> The demo INI files normally only hold form positions, tick boxes, etc,
> rarely anything that needs to be stored in Unicode. 

Your new account INI files as well as other INI files contain file names.
I also like to be able to copy some arbitrary text (Japanese looks so nice)
into SMPT demo's message text Memo and get that restored.  

> The demos also
> need to remain compatible with D7.

TRegIniFile is AFAIR available since D2 :)

>> So I suggest to use the registry with a key under HKCU
>> Software\FPiette\ICS\Demos\ instead, thast would resolve
>> problems with UAC in Vista as well.
> Using the registry with Vista is trouble due to key remapping and
> permissions, 

There's no problem if you write to HKCU. But current INI files
are stored 'virtualized' in Vista.

Arno Garrels

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