Please tell me, can I set a password and a user-name for Proxy in
Can I remove blinks of TMultiProgressBar when it works? And can I change a
color of a bar (not background) of TMultiProgressBar?

I wrote the component and demo long time ago. I don't remember the details right now. I think you should be able to read the source code yourself, understand how it works and then make the changes you need. You'll probably learn a lot.

Additional question: what about a progress for THTTPCli?

Use OnDocData and OnSendData events to update your progress bar. Use RcvdCount and SentCount properties as well as ContentLength.

Again, please look at the source code. If you had searched for "progress" in the source code, you'd found the answer yourself.

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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