Bjørnar Nielsen wrote:
> I use the same component and send norwegian, swedish and even chinese
> chars 
> in the subject (but Outlook can't show chinese in the subject on my
> computer).
> Use Quoted printable or Base64 to encode special chars. Example for
> Base64 
> could be like this (C++):
> HtmlSmtpCli1->HdrSubject = "=?utf-8?B?" +
> Base64Encode(UTF8Encode(SubjectInputFromUserEdit->Text)) + "?=";#

Note that a line should not be longer than 75 characters otherwise
it must be wrapped. So it's a bit more complicated, especially
when headers contain e-mail addresses like TO, FROM etc.

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

> If you have a GUI-component that can handle WideStrings, then you can
> have 
> any language in the subject using the above form. First the unicode-
> string 
> is UTF8-encoded, then it is Base64-encoded and I think this form can
> hold 
> any possible char.
> If you use Quoted printable instead you would save a little space
> because 
> only the char's above 126 or so is encoded, I have code for this too
> if you 
> ar interested.
> Regards Bjørnar
>> imagine) so I'm planning to return to Indy as long as I can
>> solve their issue with Swedish characters in the subject.
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