Hello dz,

Change this. Its from top of my head so can be syntax errors. You have
to move the destroy of the server also in the Execute mehod:

 Destructor TServerThrd.Destroy;
     // this must in the Execute method
//     If Assigned(FSocketSrv) Then Begin
//       FSocketSrv.Free; // <<-- HERE! (waits forever)
//     End;

     Inherited Destroy;

 Procedure TServerThrd.Execute;
     FSocketSrv := TWSocketThrdServer.Create(Nil);

     // Add


Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

Thursday, October 4, 2007, 18:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello:
>    I'm having a problem with the TWSocketThrdServer.
>  My application has a worker thread that contains a
> TWSocketThrdServer member to handle all incoming
> requests.  When the main thread finishes, it sends a
> WM_QUIT message to the worker thread, which then
> finishes and frees the TWSocketThrdServer.  However,
> if there are clients connected, the thrdserver stalls
> in its destructor, while waiting for all its threads
> to finish.

>    It only loops forever when there are clients
> connected and the worker thread is terminated.  But
> if there are no clients connected, it works fine. 
> Can someone offer any help? Most likely I'm doing
> something wrong. (Below is an example of my code.)

>    Also, I need to be able to terminate the entire
> application if something goes wrong while processing
> clients.  What is the best way to do this? Should I
> post a message to the main thread from a
> TWSocketThrdServer event in the worker thread?

>     Thanks!
>     dZ.

> My code is somewhat like this (this is very much
> simplified):

> Interface

> Type
>   TServerThrd = Class(TThread)
>     Private
>       FSocketSrv: TWSocketThrdServer;
>     Public
>       Constructor Create; Reintroduce;
>       Destructor Destroy; Override;
>       Procedure Execute; Override;
>     End;

>   TQApp = Class(TObject)
>     Private
>       FServerThrd : TServerThrd;
>     Public
>       Constructor Create;
>       Destructor Destroy; Override;
>     End;

> Implementation

> { TQApp }
> Constructor TQApp.Create;
> Begin
>   FServerThrd := TServerThrd.Create(False);
> End;

> Destructor TQApp.Destroy
> Begin
>   Try
>     Try
> PostThreadMessage(FServerThrd.ThreadID,WM_QUIT,0,0);
>     Finally
>       FServerThrd.WaitFor;
>       FServerThrd.Free;
>     End;
>   Finally
>     Inherited Destroy;
>   End;
> End;

> { TServerThrd }
> Constructor TServerThrd.Create;
> Begin
>   Inherited Create(True);
> End;

> Destructor TServerThrd.Destroy;
> Begin
>   Try
>     If Assigned(FSocketSrv) Then Begin
>       FSocketSrv.Free; // <<-- HERE! (waits forever)
>     End;
>   Finally
>     Inherited Destroy;
>   End;
> End;

> Procedure TServerThrd.Execute;
> Begin
>   Try
>     FSocketSrv := TWSocketThrdServer.Create(Nil);
>     FSocketSrv.Listen();

>     FSocketSrv.MessageLoop;
>   Finally
>     // do other cleanup
>   End;
> End;

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