There have been recent ICS bug fixes to OverbyteIcsWSocket.pas that may
effect user of the web server in particular, but also other ICS

Corrected FCounter.FLastRecvTick not updated in DoRecvFrom or in SSL
DoRecv, and FCounter.FLastSendTick not in SentTo so timeouts did not
always work.

Corrected ReadCount/WriteCount with SSL so xmit no longer includes
encryption overhead (recv ignored overhead).

Check for WSAESHUTDOWN error in TryToSend and clean close down instead
of exception.

Implement GSSL_DLL_DIR properly to report full file path on error.
This public variable forces OpenSSL DLLs to be opened in a specific
directory, instead of using the system path. 

A Chinese hacker port scanning managed to crash the ICS web server on
all three of my public servers (automatic restart fortunately) with
very short connections resulting in WSAESHUTDOWN exceptions.  Only seen
this once before in millions of requests, but now fixed to cleanly
close connection.

The timeout issue may have effected ICS web server large uploads that
took longer than the timeout, but not the FTP server which uses a
different timeout method. 


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