Re: [twsocket] FW: TSslFtpClient...

2018-07-13 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Needs a space before 'bytes...
> Buffer:= IntToKByte(FByteCount) + ' bytes received/sent in ';

Which would then say '14.5M bytes received/sent' rather than 14.5Mbytes
at present.  

Ideally the function would be more intelligent to allow for small and
large figures.  

But if you don't like the formatting, you can format your messages.  

You are also using a two year old version, while the FTP unit has not
really changed in that time, there have been a vast number of SSL and
other improvements in that time.


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Re: [twsocket] FW: TSslFtpClient...

2018-07-12 Thread zayin
Tiny thing.

procedure TCustomFtpCli.TransfertStats;

Needs a space before 'bytes...

Buffer:= IntToKByte(FByteCount) + ' bytes received/sent in ';

Same further down.

Buffer := Buffer + ' (' + IntToKByte(BytesSec) + ' bytes/sec)';

Perhaps others thing different.

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Re: [twsocket] FW: TSslFtpClient...

2018-07-12 Thread zayin
Thanks Angus.

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Re: [twsocket] FW: TSslFtpClient...

2018-07-12 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I set up the properties and called SslFtpClient1.Receive;

Which does not allow to control anything or make choices about what
server commands to use, or indeed do more than a single file.  

You should use ConnectFeat, check the FEAT response for capabilities, 
then download your files. 

> >ProtLevel C or P means Clear or Private,
> OK, so if P then the control AND data are encrypted.
> I assume servers support C and P, generally?

The FEAT response will tell you, ie AUTH TLS;TLS-C;SSL;TLS-P;


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Re: [twsocket] FW: TSslFtpClient...

2018-07-12 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Altered the settings to support FTPS Explicit SSL/TLS, set the
> TSslFtpClient.SslType to sslTypeAuthTls, and getting the file 
> worked.
> Altered the setting TSslFtpClient.SslType to sslTypeAuthSsl, and 
> getting the file failed.

sslTypeAuthTls and sslTypeAuthSsl do the same thing but using different
FTP commands, AUTH TLS or AUTH SSL, depending on what the server
requires, TLS is the modern version, SSL the ancient version.  A server
usually supports only one, as listed in FEAT, TLS is the latest.  You
should have done a FEAT command to find out what the server needs. 

ProtLevel C or P means Clear or Private, and determines whether the
data connections are SSL protected, which is optional.  Protecting the
control channel is important because of logins and file names, but
files are often encrypted already. 

This was all designed 20 years ago when processors were slow and memory
expensive, making encryption also expensive.


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