Hello Barrie,

You can use the inline form of the passthru markup! Use it just like
bold, with two consecutive ' around the special text:

The ''F♭'' is the same note as E'

Please tell me any problem.


On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 12:20, Barrie Stott <zen146...@zen.co.uk> wrote:
> I am having enough trouble with passthru to wonder if what I want is
> even possible.
> When writing about music, I want to be able to say within a paragraph:
> `F flat is the same note as E'. However, I don't want to output the 4
> characters of flat but the single glyph whose html entity is &#x266D;
> and looks a bit like a small b. I also want the `F flat' to be in its
> normal place in the paragraph.
> However, the only form of passthru I know is for a block, which would
> require me to use:
> ''' F&#x266D;
> Sadly, this causes the F to start a new paragraph.
> Is what I want to do possible with txt2tags? If so, how?
> Barrie.
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