Shalom everyone.
I do apologize to everyone for sending this newsletter a second time.  However, I was recently made aware of a typo regarding the time of the Happy Hour; it is supposed to be 7:00 PM, not 8:00 PM.
In this installment of the TYJP Newsletter, please find details for the following events:
    Thursday, September 18, 2003:  Happy Hour
    Sunday, September 21, 2003:  Mini-Golf
Event dates for the next quarter will be sent out later this week. 
Happy Hour:
When:  Thursday, September 18, 2003
Time:  7:00 PM  (Corrected time)
Where:  Bailey's Pub and Grill, 151 Rams Plaza, Chapel Hill (919-918-1005)
At this time, it does not appear that Hurricane Isabel will hit us directly; therefore, we will be returning to Bailey's Pub and Grill once again after a great turnout last time.  Join TYJP as we gather to schmooze over a drink and perhaps a bite to eat.  This is a sports bar with plenty of TV's and a game room.
If there are any changes to the storm which would push it towards the Triangle, we will send out another mailing and update the TYJP website (  Please stay tuned.
Directions from I-40:
Head towards Chapel Hill.
Exit I-40 onto 15-501 South.
Follow directions below.
Directions from 15-501:
At Eastgate Shopping Center, Turn onto Ephesus Church Road (left from 15-501S, right from 15-501N). Turn left into Ram's Plaza Bailey's will be at the end on the left.
When:  Sunday, September 21, 2003
Time:  1:00 PM
Where:  Adventure Landing, 3311 Capital Blvd., Raleigh, NC
Join TYJP for on Sunday, September 21, 2003 as we return to a traditional favorite.  We will be tearing up the links at Adventure Landing on the miniature golf courses and other activities including the batting cages and go-carts.  Each round of golf is $5.99 (2nd game may be purchased for $2.49 if purchased at same time as the purchase for the first game), other prices for go-carts, batting cages, etc.  RSVPs are not required, but will be greatly  appreciated to see if we have enough people to get a group rate. 
For more info check the website at or contact Josh at (336) 851-5005 (Home after 8:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m.), (336) 274-4658 (Work) or e-mail, [EMAIL PROTECTED].
From Chapel Hill, Durham, and areas west of Raleigh:
Take I-40 E to Exit 289.  Follow the Raleigh-Chapel Hill Expressway until it merges onto US 1 N.  Follow US 1 (Capital Blvd.) to Adventure Landing at 3311 Capital Blvd.

Or, alternatively, Take I-40 E to I-540 North.  Follow I-540 to Capital Blvd Exit.  Take Capital Blvd. South to 3311 Capital Blvd.

From South Raleigh or Cary:
Take I-440 N to Capital Blvd Exit.  Exit at Capital Blvd North, and make a U-turn (Adventure Landing is on the left side of the road) approx 1.5 miles past the exit.

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