Shalom everyone.
The TYJP-L list is back up.  I do apologize for the SPAM that got through last week; the initial part of the conversion from Majordomo to Mailman was completed before I could set up the moderation portion.  This has been remedied, and you should not get any more SPAM from the list.  Please note, TYJP-L  is a moderated list that only Board Members have access to send announcements out; if you wish to send a legitimate announcement out, please forward your request to one of the Board Members for review.
Also, the Board/Planning Meeting will be held this Wednesday evening.  The Board Meeting will start promptly at 6:30 PM; the Planning Meeting will begin around 7:00PM.  We still are interested in knowing what the general community would be interested in doing; therefore, if you have any good ideas, please pass them on to Michael C. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or come out to the meeting.  If you would like to volunteer to host an event (it is really easy), also let us know.
In this installment of the TYJP Newsletter, please find details for the following events:
    Wednesday, August 11, 2004:  Board/Planning Meeting (RSVP Required by August 10)
    Thursday, August 19, 2004:  Happy Hour
    Sunday, August 29, 2004:  "Jew Brew"  (RSVP Required by August 27)
Board/Planning Meeting:
When:  Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Time:  6:30 PM Board Meeting / 7:00 PM Planning Meeting
Where:  Michael C.'s House (RSVP for Directions)
It's that time of the year again.  It is time to plan TYJP events for the rest of the year.  If you have any ideas or suggestions for activities or events for the time frame of September 1 through December 31, 2004, please feel free to come to the planning meeting.  We would love to see some new volunteers and ideas.  If you cannot attend the meeting, but have any ideas, suggestions, or wish to volunteer for an event, please contact Michael Cohen at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
We will meet at Michael's house for this meeting, to help facilitate easy communication between all those who attend; we have had trouble in the past with people hearing other people in noisy restaurants.  The Board will meet at 6:30 PM; the Planning Meeting will start at 7:00 PM.  We will order pizzas for those who attend (anyone eating may be asked to pitch in); if you have any preferences for the type of pizza you want, please indicate it in your RSVP.  To RSVP and receive directions to his house, please contact Michael Cohen at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Happy Hour (Marjorie's Birthday Party):
When:  Thursday, August 19, 2004
Time:  7:00 PM
Where:  Johnny Carino's at Brier Creek, 8101 Brier Creek Parkway, Raleigh, NC (919-806-5524)
Come join Triangle Young Jewish Professionals for a night of good food, good fun and friends old and new.  And it’s Marjorie’s birthday, so you better be there! (No presents other than your presence desired.)
Questions? Send them to Marjorie Zackheim at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
For individualized directions, please go to the following MapQuest web page:
From Durham/Chapel Hill:
Take I-40 East to I-540 North.
Exit I-540 at US-70 West.
Turn Left onto Brier Creek Parkway (1st Light).
You will see Johnny Carino's on your left.
Jew Brew:
"Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza." - Dave Barry
Avid home brewers (and friends of Deb T's) Jim and Deb B. have graciously agreed to open their home to TYJP for this event in order to demonstrate the beer-brewing process. Since it is a 5-hour process with a few lulls (e.g., when the "mash"/crushed grain is steeping), we're making this into another picnic event. Please bring a side dish; burgers and dogs - including veggie items - will be provided, as will soda and, of course, beer.         
When: Sunday, August 29, 2004 
Time: 11:30 am - 5 pm
Where: Lochmere Village, Cary (off of Cary Parkway/Tryon Road)
Please RSVP to Deb at [EMAIL PROTECTED] by Friday, August 27th; directions will be sent to you at that time. [Note: If you do not RSVP but show up anyway (i.e., with someone else who has the directions), you may be subject to an afternoon of babysitting duty while the rest of us are enjoying a beer.] 
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