Shalom everyone.
I do apologize to everyone for the late notice this week; the delay is purely my fault. 
In this installment of the TYJP Newsletter, please find details for the following event:
    Tuesday, November 13, 2007:  Lecture Series (Shira)
    Thursday, November 15, 2007:  "Schmooze and Food" (Shira)
Also, mark your calendars for these events; more information will follow in subsequent Emails
    Saturday, December 1, 2007:  Climbing (Barnaby)
    Saturday, December 8, 2007:  Planning Meeting/Chanukah Party (Mike/Shira)
    Thursday, December 20, 2007:  "Schmooze and Food" (Marjorie)
    Tuesday, December 25, 2007:  Game Day (Mike)
We would like remind everyone that our "Schmooze and Food" (formerly known as Happy Hours) are held on the third Thursday of each month, unless otherwise specified.  By the way, if you have any better idea on what to call the "Schmooze and Food" event, please pass your thoughts on to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Note Regarding Lecture Series:  Specific information regarding the aforementioned Lecture Series can be found a this Carolina Center for Jewish Studies at UNC link
If you are new to TYJP, please contact the host of the event or send a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tyjp at, so we can look out for you.  We would like to ensure your first event is a pleasant and warm experience
Lecture Series:  Piotr Sommer, "A Poet's Life in Warsaw":
When:  Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Time:  Meet at 7:00 PM / Lecture at 7:30 PM
Where:  Sonja Haynes Stone Center Theatre at UNC Campus, 150 South Road, Chapel Hill
RSVPs Requested

Let's meet at the Sonja Haynes Stone Center Theatre at 7:00 p.m.  The lecture starts at 7:30.
Polish poet, essayist and translator, Piotr Sommer, will read from his poetry and tell of growing up in post-war Poland from the early 1950's through the early 1990's.  He will describe life in Otwock, a small town outside of Warsaw, and in Warsaw itself -- first as a boy in the yard and at school, then as a student at Warsaw University, and later as a beginning writer.  Co-sponsored by the School of Social Work and the Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies.
Email Shira at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you are planning on coming so we know how many to expect.
Please use this Maps.Google link for personalized directions.
"Schmooze and Food":
When:  Thursday, November 15, 2007
Time:  7:00 PM
Where:  Bahama Breeze, 3309 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh
RSVPs Requested to Get Approximate Headcount
Join TYJP for this month's happy hour at Bahama Breeze located at 3309 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27609.  We will meet near the fire pit at 7:00 for schmoozing and optional drinks and will move to tables for dinner/appetizers around 7:30 p.m. Email shira at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you are thinking of coming (will help with reservations).
Please use this Maps.Google link for personalized directions.
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