Shalom everyone.
In this installment of the TYJP Newsletter, please find details for the following event:
    Sunday, May 11, 2008:  Board/Membership/Planning Meeting  
Board/Membership/Planning Meeting:
When:  Sunday, May 11, 2008
Time:  3:00 PM
Where:  Michael C's House, 308 Silk Hope Drive, Cary (919-303-5228)
RSVPs Requested for Headcount, but not Required    
It's that time of the year again.  It is time to plan TYJP events for the next four months.  If you have any ideas or suggestions for activities or events for the time frame of May through August, 2008, please feel free to come to the planning meeting.  We are in need of new volunteers and ideas.  If you cannot attend the meeting, but have any ideas, suggestions, or wish to volunteer for an event, please contact Michael at [EMAIL PROTECTED].  Also, if you have any interest in becoming a member of the board, please plan to attend; we need new people who want to make a difference.
We will meet at Michael's house for this meeting, to help facilitate easy communication between all those who attend; we have had trouble in the past with people hearing other people in noisy restaurants.  TYJP will provide light refreshments for the meeting; we may also decide to go out afterwards.  The Board/Membership/Planning meeting will begin promptly at 3:00 PM.  To RSVP and receive detailed directions to his house, please contact Michael at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
As mentioned in the "Special Notice" a little over a week ago, the fate of TYJP will be decided at this meeting.  Whether it continues or disbands, is dependent on how many people attend this meeting, and also who volunteers to help lead the group and/or events.  The time of this meeting should be late enough for those who teach Sunday school, or are attending the UNC Commencement Ceremony, and early enough for those who plan to have Mother's Day dinner with in-town families.
For personalized directions, please use this Maps.Google link, which shows the explicit location (as compared to a general "by address" search).  However, if you wish to receive detailed directions from various parts of the Triangle, please ask for them in your RSVP.
Added note:  For those living in Southern Chapel Hill/Carrboro, it may be easier to take Mount Carmel to Farrington, and then turn left onto US-64, as opposed to traveling up to I-40; if the weather is nice, this is a more beautiful, not to mention shorter, drive.  
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