[TYJP] February 2007 Events (Pt. 1 - Resend/Reminder)

2007-01-31 Thread Michael C.

Shalom everyone.
In this installment of the TYJP
Newsletter, please find details for the following events:

    Sunday, February 4, 2007: 
Super Bowl XLI Party (Mike)   (RSVPs
Requested, but not Required)
    Tuesday, February 20, 2007: 
Chocolate Decadence
IV (Deb)  (RSVPs Required)
Also, mark your calendars for these
events; more information will follow in subsequent Emails
    Saturday, February ??,
2007:  Bowling (Larry)  (New
Date TBD)  
    Thursday, February 15, 2007:  Happy Hour (Jamie)
    Thursday, March 15, 2007:  Happy Hour (Marjorie)
    Saturday, March 17, 2007:  Recipe Exchange
    Sunday, March 25, 2007:  Hike (Teri)
    Sunday, April 8, 2007:  Matzah Brie Brunch (Jamie)
    Tuesday, April 10, 2007:  "Break Pesach" Planning
Meeting (Mike)
    Sunday, April 15, 2007:  Yom HaShoah @ Meredith
College (Mike - Tentative)
    Thursday, April 19, 2007:  Happy Hour (Sara)
Board Meetings:
    Monday, February 26, 2007 (Mike)
    Monday, March 19, 2007 (Mike)
    Monday, April 30, 2007 (Mike)
TYJP members are allowed, even
encouraged, to attend and observe the Board Meetings.  Please contact
if you are interested in attending the meeting(s).  The Board will meet
at a centrally located, inexpensive restaurant, picked usually within a
day or so of the meeting; the meetings will begin at 7:15 PM, so please
plan to show up to the restaurant by 7:00 PM.
We would like remind everyone that our Happy Hours are held on the
third Thursday of each month, unless otherwise specified.  
If you are new to TYJP, please contact
the host of the event or send a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tyjp at rtpnet.org), so we can look out for
you.  We would like to ensure your first event is a pleasant and warm
THE 2007 DUES:
At a previous quarterly board meeting, the board voted to keep our dues
at $10 a year for the calendar 2007 year (January through December). 
Here are some of what you can expect for this year:    
-  At events where there is a cost to participate/attend, there will be
a lower rate for members.  You will find that this will quickly add up
to pay for your dues.  For those hosting events: please make sure to
set multiple prices for your event.  We will provide you a list of
current members.
-  We will be able to provide food at our planning meetings.
-  We will also be working harder at recruiting new members.  We will
be redoing our website.  We will also be making sure happy hours are in
a centrally located area (off of I-40 or I-540) the majority of the
time, and making sure we are better known within the Jewish community. 
If you have other ideas, please talk to someone on the board.
For those that are new to TYJP, we do
not ask for dues until you have been to at least three events; this
gives you a trial period to "try us out."
Dues may be paid as such:

    - Pay By Mail:  
    Send $10 check or money order (payable to TYJP) to:
    c/o Michael Cohen
    308 Silk Hope Drive
    Cary, NC 27519
    - Pay By PayPal:  Click
on this link.
    - Pay at any upcoming TYJP Event:  
    Pay by check or money order (payable to TYJP), or
cash; payment may be given to any TYJP Board Member.

Please do not hesitate to contact
if you have any questions.  The Board looks forward to seeing you at

Super Bowl XLI Party:
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Time:  5:00 PM Doors Open / 6:00 Game
Where:  Michael C's
House, 308 Silk Hope Drive, Cary (RSVPs
Requested, but not Required)  
Come to TYJP's annual Super Bowl Party, one of TYJP's most popular
events.  Watch Super Bowl XLI on Mike's widescreen HDTV.  Will there be
any surprises during the halftime show this year?  Will there be any
really great commercials that we will be talking about for days
afterwards?  Will there be any funny incidents at Mike's house?  Who
knows?  Just come and find out.
Bring a dish to share and any alcoholic drink you wish (soft drinks
will be provided).  RSVPs are requested to help determine what food
items are needed, so please e-mail Mike ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) by February
3, telling him what you'll be bringing.
(Please Note:  Mike shares his house with three cats, two of which
most likely will be roaming around and trying to get attention from
people during this event; if you are allergic to cats, you may want to
take an anti-histamine, or the like, before coming to his house.)
    Members:  Free  (Membership dues can be paid at the door, by mail,
by PayPal, or at any prior event -- see above)
    Non-Members:  $2.00

For detailed directions,
please ask for the Mike's detailed directions in your RSVP.  Or use
either of the following links:  MapQuest
or Maps.Google.

[TYJP] February 2007 Events (Pt. 1)

2007-01-25 Thread Michael C.

Shalom everyone.
In this installment of the TYJP
Newsletter, please find details for the following events:

    Sunday, February 4, 2007: 
Super Bowl XLI Party (Mike)
    Tuesday, February 20, 2007:  Chocolate Decadence
IV (Deb)
Also, mark your calendars for these
events; more information will follow in subsequent Emails
    Saturday, February ??,
2007:  Bowling (Larry)  (New
Date TBD)  
    Thursday, February 15, 2007:  Happy Hour (Jamie)
    Thursday, March 15, 2007:  Happy Hour (Marjorie)
    Saturday, March 17, 2007:  Recipe Exchange
    Sunday, March 25, 2007:  Hike (Teri)
    Sunday, April 8, 2007:  Matzah Brie Brunch (Jamie)
    Tuesday, April 10, 2007:  "Break Pesach" Planning
Meeting (Mike)
    Sunday, April 15, 2007:  Yom HaShoah @ Meredith
College (Mike - Tentative)
    Thursday, April 19, 2007:  Happy Hour (Sara)
Board Meetings:
    Monday, February 26, 2007 (Mike)
    Monday, March 19, 2007 (Mike)
    Monday, April 30, 2007 (Mike)
TYJP members are allowed, even
encouraged, to attend and observe the Board Meetings.  Please contact
if you are interested in attending the meeting(s).  The Board will meet
at a centrally located, inexpensive restaurant, picked usually within a
day or so of the meeting; the meetings will begin at 7:15 PM, so please
plan to show up to the restaurant by 7:00 PM.
We would like remind everyone that our Happy Hours are held on the
third Thursday of each month, unless otherwise specified.  
If you are new to TYJP, please contact
the host of the event or send a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tyjp at rtpnet.org), so we can look out for
you.  We would like to ensure your first event is a pleasant and warm
THE 2007 DUES:
At a previous quarterly board meeting, the board voted to keep our dues
at $10 a year for the calendar 2007 year (January through December). 
Here are some of what you can expect for this year:    
-  At events where there is a cost to participate/attend, there will be
a lower rate for members.  You will find that this will quickly add up
to pay for your dues.  For those hosting events: please make sure to
set multiple prices for your event.  We will provide you a list of
current members.
-  We will be able to provide food at our planning meetings.
-  We will also be working harder at recruiting new members.  We will
be redoing our website.  We will also be making sure happy hours are in
a centrally located area (off of I-40 or I-540) the majority of the
time, and making sure we are better known within the Jewish community. 
If you have other ideas, please talk to someone on the board.
For those that are new to TYJP, we do
not ask for dues until you have been to at least three events; this
gives you a trial period to "try us out."
Dues may be paid as such:

    - Pay By Mail:  
    Send $10 check or money order (payable to TYJP) to:
    c/o Michael Cohen
    308 Silk Hope Drive
    Cary, NC 27519
    - Pay By PayPal:  Click
on this link.
    - Pay at any upcoming TYJP Event:  
    Pay by check or money order (payable to TYJP), or
cash; payment may be given to any TYJP Board Member.

Please do not hesitate to contact
if you have any questions.  The Board looks forward to seeing you at

Super Bowl XLI Party:
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Time:  5:00 PM Doors Open / 6:00 Game
Where:  Michael C's
House, 308 Silk Hope Drive, Cary (RSVPs
Requested, but not Required)  
Come to TYJP's annual Super Bowl Party, one of TYJP's most popular
events.  Watch Super Bowl XLI on Mike's widescreen HDTV.  Will there be
any surprises during the halftime show this year?  Will there be any
really great commercials that we will be talking about for days
afterwards?  Will there be any funny incidents at Mike's house?  Who
knows?  Just come and find out.
Bring a dish to share and any alcoholic drink you wish (soft drinks
will be provided).  RSVPs are requested to help determine what food
items are needed, so please e-mail Mike ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) by February
3, telling him what you'll be bringing.
(Please Note:  Mike shares his house with three cats, two of which
most likely will be roaming around and trying to get attention from
people during this event; if you are allergic to cats, you may want to
take an anti-histamine, or the like, before coming to his house.)
    Members:  Free  (Membership dues can be paid at the door, by mail,
by PayPal, or at any prior event -- see above)
    Non-Members:  $2.00

For detailed directions,
please ask for the Mike's detailed directions in your RSVP.  Or use
either of the following links:  MapQuest
or Maps.Google.

Chocolate Decadence IV: