Shalom everyone.
Welcome to the first Newsletter for the New Year!  In this installment of the TYJP Newsletter, please find details for the following event:
    Sunday, February 3, 2008:  Annual Super Bowl Party (Mike)
Also, mark your calendars for these events; more information will follow in subsequent Emails
    Thursday, February 21, 2008:  "Schmooze and Food"
    Wednesday, February 27, 2008:  Rollerskating at Jellybeans (Shira)  (New)
    Thursday, March 20, 2008:  "Schmooze and Food" (Sara/Solomon)
    Sunday, April 6, 2008:  Hike (Sara/Solomon)  (New)
    Thursday, April 17, 2008:  "Schmooze and Food" (Teri)
    Monday, April 21, 2008:  Passover Seder (Shira)  (New)
More events may be added soon, once volunteers and dates are confirmed.  We need volunteers to help lead/plan the following potential event ideas:
    Bowling (January or March)
    Pool (January or March)
    Wine Tasting (January or March)
We would like remind everyone that our "Schmooze and Food" (formerly known as Happy Hours) are held on the third Thursday of each month, unless otherwise specified.  By the way, if you have any better idea on what to call the "Schmooze and Food" event, please pass your thoughts on to [EMAIL PROTECTED].  
If you are new to TYJP, please contact the host of the event or send a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tyjp at, so we can look out for you.  We would like to ensure your first event is a pleasant and warm experience
Annual Super Bowl:
When:  Sunday, February 3, 2008
Time:  "Doors Open" at 5:00 PM / Kick-Off at app. 6:15 PM   
  Michael C's House, 308 Silk Hope Drive, Cary (919-303-5228)
(RSVPs Requested, but not Required)
Come to TYJP's annual Super Bowl Party, hosted by Michael C.  Will there be any surprises during the halftime show this year?  Will there be any really great commercials that everyone will be talking about for days afterwards?  Will there be any funny incidents at Mike's house?  Who knows?  Just come and find out.
UPDATE:  The teams have been decided for this year's game.  Will Tom Brady lead the New England Patriots to a history making 19-0 record?  Or will the wildcard New York Giants, led by Eli Manning (only in his fourth season), be the unlikely David defeating the mighty Goliath?  Only time will tell.
Bring a dish to share and any alcoholic drink you wish (soft drinks will be provided).  RSVPs are requested to help determine what food items are needed, so please e-mail Mike ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) by February 2, telling him what you'll be bringing.
(Please Note:  Mike shares his house with two cats, which most likely will be roaming around and trying to get attention from people during this event; if you are allergic to cats, you may want to take an anti-histamine, or the like, before coming to his house.  These cats are usually quite human friendly, and will not harm anyone.)
For detailed directions, please ask for the Mike's detailed directions in your RSVP.  Or use this Maps.Google Link, which shows the exact location.
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