Shalom everyone.
In this installment of the TYJP Newsletter, please find details for the following event:
    Thursday, October 18, 2007:  "Schmooze and Food" (Teri)
    Saturday, November 3, 2007:  Carolina Hurricanes Hockey Game (Teri)  (RSVPs Required by Oct 18)  
Also, mark your calendars for these events; more information will follow in subsequent Emails
    Monday, October 29, 2007:  Lecture Series (Shira)
    Friday, November 9 - Sunday, November 11, 2007:  Road Trip to DC/Holocaust Museum (Trudi/Barnaby/Mike)
    Tuesday, November 13, 2007:  Lecture Series (Shira)
    Thursday, November 15, 2007:  "Schmooze and Food" (Shira)
    Saturday, December 1, 2007:  Climbing (Barnaby)
    Saturday, December 8, 2007:  Planning Meeting/Chanukah Party (Mike/Shira)
    Thursday, December 20, 2007:  "Schmooze and Food" (Marjorie)
    Tuesday, December 25, 2007:  Game Day (Mike)
We would like remind everyone that our "Schmooze and Food" (formerly known as Happy Hours) are held on the third Thursday of each month, unless otherwise specified.  By the way, if you have any better idea on what to call the "Schmooze and Food" event, please pass your thoughts on to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Note Regarding Lecture Series:  Specific information regarding the aforementioned Lecture Series can be found a this Carolina Center for Jewish Studies at UNC link. 
If you are new to TYJP, please contact the host of the event or send a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tyjp at, so we can look out for you.  We would like to ensure your first event is a pleasant and warm experience
"Schmooze and Food":
When:  Thursday, October 18, 2007
Time:  7:00 PM
Where:  Fishmongers, 806 W. Main St., Durham, NC
RSVPs Requested to Get Approximate Headcount

Join TYJP for this month's happy hour at Fishmonger's located in the Brightleaf district of Durham. Fishmonger's has a casual atmosphere and offers fresh seafood prepared in a variety of ways - check out the menu on their website.  We will meet near the bar for schmoozing and optional drinks and will move to tables for dinner/appetizers around 7:30 p.m.
Fishmonger's prefers to be warned of large groups, so if possible please RSVP so we have an approximate count.
For more information or to RSVP, please email Teri at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Please use this link to get personalized directions from Mapquest.
Hockey: Carolina Hurricanes vs. Florida Panthers:
When:  Saturday, November 3, 2007
Time:  7:00 PM
Where:  RBC Center, Raleigh
RSVPs Required

Join us as we cheer on the Carolina Hurricanes against the Florida Panthers.  We will be getting upper goal zone tickets at a price of $20 each. To ensure a reservation, money must be RECEIVED by the end of the day, Thursday, October 18.  Payment of $20 can be made in the following ways:
1) By PayPal (refer to instructions below).
2) By mailing a check or money order (made out to TYJP) to:
        Michael Cohen
        308 Silk Hope Drive
        Cary, NC 27519
3) By bringing a check, cash, or a money order to one of the upcoming events (see above).
If options 1 or 2 are chosen, please follow up by contacting Teri at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to make sure the money has been received.
For PayPal Orders:
All transactions must be "Cash Transfers" only; TYJP does not accept credit card orders.  In order to use the "Cash Transfer" option, you must have at least one bank account tied to your existing PayPal account. 
Use this link to order your tickets via PayPal.
Specific details about when and where we will meet prior to the game will be sent directly to those who RSVP.
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