Shalom, everyone.
I have changed the date below for the special meeting to not interfere with the NC Holocaust Community Remembrance event at Meredith College, as I had just been informed of the conflict.  I apologize for any inconvenience.
Please take the time to read this note in it entirety; please do not throw it away or ignore it.  The future of TYJP is at stake. 
Triangle Young Jewish Professionals (TYJP) is at a crossroads.  We are in desperate need of new volunteers, as event hosts and as new Board members.  Active membership has dropped to an all time low; we need to bring participation back up.  We need new ideas that will attract new members.  We need you.
After much soul searching, I think it is best for the group to have new and younger leadership.  As such, I am officially announcing my resignation as President and Webmaster, effective September 1, 2008.  I will remain on the Board through January 1, 2009, in more of an advisory role and Member at Large.  It has been a pleasure and honor to have been your leader, meeting so many different people over the past six and a half years.  I would also like to thank everyone who has volunteered in the past, whether as an event host or Board member; it has been a pleasure to work with all of you.
On Sunday, May 11, 2008, we will hold a special Membership/Board/Planning meeting to decide the fate of TYJP; specific information will be sent in the next normal Newsletter.  We will discuss what is working properly, what needs to change, and most importantly, find new people to help revitalize the group.  We need to find a minimum of five (5) people who want to make a difference in our community and help lead our wonderful group.  I feel strongly that we need some young single people to be on the Board, to help attract other young singles back to the group.  There are several positions on the Board that need to be filled immediately.
And now the caveat:  If we do not find at least five (5) new people to lead the group, the group will disband as of September 1, 2008.  Those of us that are remaining on the Board can not lead the group by ourselves.  Please do not assume someone else is going to volunteer.  Instead, take the time on Sunday to come to our meeting, and volunteer some of your time.  Working as a board member or event host is not time consuming if everyone works together.  Furthermore, most of the former volunteers have received a deep sense of satisfaction.     
Let me clarify one opinion that has been floating around for some time now.  Although TYJP is not specifically a "Young Jewish Singles" group, its main focus is on Young Jewish Singles and helping them meet in a social environment.  There have been complaints lately that there are too many couples, and so new singles have not been returning after their first event.  Please understand, many of the actively attending couples were once singles in our group, who met, and then got married (i.e., "success stories").  These people made friends within the group, and consequently want to remain active.  TYJP will never turn away any person due to their marital status.  Young Jewish Singles need to be active in the group, which in turn will lead other singles to become more active.
Also, TYJP is not a Raleigh/Cary or Durham/Chapel Hill organization.  As its name implies, it is an organization that is for all Young Jewish Professionals, Triangle wide.  Many of the events lately have been in Raleigh due to where the volunteering host chose; we need more volunteers from Durham and Chapel Hill who know the area to host events there.  Furthermore, to get more events in the Durham/Chapel Hill area, those who live there need to attend events regardless of location, which has not been the case lately.  In fact, even the last few events hosted in Durham have had mostly people from Raleigh and Cary in attendance.
In summary, TYJP is at a crossroads.  Do you want it to continue?  TYJP's fate is now in your hands.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Michael Cohen
TYJP President/Webmaster
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