To all those going to hockey on Sunday:

Your tickets will be held under your name at the will-call window.  The
is a list of checks I've received as of right now (Thurs, 6:15 p.m.):

Eduardo Tichauer (2)
Jeffrey Maglin (1)
David Warshaw (2)
Dave Kaye (2)
Ronit Kedem (2)
Stuart Kaskawits (1)
Brit Gould (1)
Ron Winick (1)
Sharon Metzler (2)
Howard Malitz (1)
Lisa Head (1)
Dan Abenheim (1)

I know others have indicated that they have sent checks, but I have yet to
recieve them (Julie, Matt, Sherry).  If the 3 of you decided NOT to go,
please send me an e-mail by Friday evening or call me at 596-0377.

Did I leave out anyone?  If you'd like to go but have procrastinated on
sending your check, give me a call and bribe me...we can work something

If you run into problems at the will-call window, please page me at
(888) 200-2850.  Leave a brief message and I'll come find you at the
ticket counter. 

The arena is off the Wade Avenue extention of I-40.  The game starts at
1:30 p.m.

See you there!

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