Shalom everyone!
After almost two years, the TYJP Web site has finally undergone a radical facelift.  The TYJP Board and I hope you find the new web site easier to use.  The New TYJP Web Site can be found at the OLD address:
Some of the major updates/changes are as follows:
  1. All the external links have been verified to be accurate.
  2. The "Survey/Contact" form is easier to find and use.
  3. The "Synagogue & Temples" page is easier to use, as the synagogues, temples, and student/campus organizations are organized by cities and types.
  4. Various pages under the "Organizational Information" page have been updated.
Other items you may notice as follows:
  1. The "Electronic Forum" is no longer available.  There has been very low usage of this feature over the past several years, and the TYJP Board decided it was not worth the effort to continue supporting it.  We would rather use the web space for other items.
  2. The "Other Links" page is still under construction.  Instead of delaying the deployment of the new web site any longer, we will continue to update this page after deployment.
If you have any comments or concerns regarding the new web site, please feel free to contact [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Michael Cohen
TYJP ListServe Administrator/Webmaster

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