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                          Open call for papers
               Web: https://types2020.di.unito.it/cfp.html

                          Post-proceedings of the TYPES 2020
     26th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs
TYPES is a major forum for the presentation of research on all aspects of type theory and its applications. TYPES 2020 wasn’t held in Turin as planned because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Nonetheless the significant number of submissions and registrations testified the interest for TYPES in our community, motivating us to plan publishing post-proceedings. The post-proceedings volume will be published in LIPIcs, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics <http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/publications/lipics>, an open-access series of conference proceedings. Submission to this post-proceedings volume is open to everyone, also to those who did not submit a contribution to the conference. We welcome high-quality descriptionsof original work, as well as position papers, overview papers, and system descriptions. Submissions should be written in English, _not overlapping with published or simultaneously submitted work to a journal or a conference with archival proceedings_. We would like to invite all researchers that study and apply type systems to share their results. In particular, we welcome submissions on the following topics:

   Foundations of type theory and constructive mathematics;
   Homotopy type theory;
   Applications of type theory;
   Dependently typed programming;
   Industrial uses of type theory technology;
   Meta-theoretic studies of type systems;
   Proof assistants and proof technology;
   Automation in computer-assisted reasoning;
   Links between type theory and functional programming;
   Formalizing mathematics using type theory;
   Type theory in linguistics.

Important dates:

   Paper submission: 19 October 2020
   Author notification: 18 January 2021
   Final version:  15 February 2021
   Publication (presumably): end of March 2021


   Papers have to be written in LaTex and adhere to the style
   requirements of LIPIcs

   The recommended length of a paper is 12-15 pages, excluding
   front-page(s) (authors, affiliation, keywords, abstract, ...),
   bibliography and an appendix of max 5 pages. Longer submissions will
   not be considered.
   Papers have to be submitted in pdf through EasyChair:
   In case of questions, please contact one of the editors.


   Ugo de’Liguoro (Università di Torino)
   Stefano Berardi (Università di Torino)
   Thorsten Altenkirch (University of Nottingham)

Ugo de'Liguoro
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università di Torino
Corso Svizzera 185, 10149, Torino, Italy
phone: +39 011 6706766 - fax: +39 011 751603

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