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                     CALL FOR ABSTRACTS
     Software for Mathematical Reasoning and Applications

                 Session at the ICMS 2018
       International Congress on Mathematical Software
        South Bend (USA) Notre Dame, 24-27 July 2018

Short abstract submission:         April 14, 2018 (extended)
Extended abstract submission:      April 21, 2018
Organizers decision:               April 30, 2018

In addition to traditional software for numerics and symbolics (in
algebra, analysis, combinatorics, etc.), more and more software for
automated reasoning based on sophisticated general and special reasoning
techniques with nice user interfaces enriches the possibilities of
working mathematicians, computer scientists and engineers. For this
session we welcome reports on

  - new versions of automated reasoning software
  - user interfaces for automated reasoning software
  - new implementations of general and special reasoning techniques
  - interaction of automated reasoning software with numerical and
algebraic software
  - applications of automated reasoning in mathematics, computer
science, natural sciences, engineering, education, ...
  - the use of automated reasoning in the build-up of formal
mathematical knowledge bases
  - and related subjects.

Bruno Buchberger (RISC, JKU Linz, Austria)
Tudor Jebelean (RISC, JKU Linz, Austria)
Temur Kutsia (RISC, JKU Linz, Austria)
Alexander Maletzky (RISC, JKU Linz, Austria)
Wolfgang Windsteiger (session manager) (RISC, JKU Linz, Austria)

Level 1: Submit a short abstract at latest by April 14, 2018.

  - It should be about 200 words.
  - It must be in plain text (without using any mathematical symbols, etc).
  - It must be submitted as an email attachment to the session manager:
  - The organizers will make a decision within a week of submission.
  - If accepted, then it will appear on the conference web page immediately.
  - If the short abstract is accepted, you may want to proceed to level
2 (not mandatory).

Level 2: Submit an extended abstract at latest by April 21, 2018.

  - It should be a PDF file at least 4 pages and at most 8 pages
submitted via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icms2018
  - It should follow the guideline:
  - It should use the LaTeX template
http://icms-conference.org/2018/ICMS_Extended_Abstract_2018.txt and the
LNCS LaTeX style: http://icms-conference.org/2018/llncs.cls
  - The organizers will make a decision  at latest by April 30, 2018.
  - If accepted, then it will appear on the conference web page immediately.
  - If accepted, you will be asked to submit the LaTeX source files via
EasyChair by May 7, 2018.
  - The paper will then be published in the conference proceedings. They
will appear as Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

Level 3: A special issue in some journal (e.g. the Journal of Symbolic
Computation) might be organized after the conference depending on the
number and the quality of Level 2 submissions.

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