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Research position at UCL, London: 
Research Fellow in Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification: Systems 
Security Modelling

The PPLV group conducts world-leading research in logical and algebraic methods 
and their applications to program and systems modelling and verification. The 
Interface Reasoning for Interacting Systems (IRIS) project, led by Professor  
David Pym, uses logical and algebraic methods to understand the compositional 
structure of systems and their communications, seeking to develop analyses at 
all scales, from code through distributed systems to organizational structure, 
generically and uniformly.  

Applicants must hold, or be about to receive, a PhD in rigorous computer 
science, or a closely related area. The post holder will demonstrate the 
following criteria: 

- actively contribute to both the theory and implementation of interfaces and 
composition in a distributed systems modelling context, construction of models

- possess a solid grounding and understanding of process algebras and modal 
logics coupled with a  strong programming background, including experience with 
or the ability to learn the Julia language

- demonstrable experience or ability to work with industrial partners (from HP 
labs and BT) and academic         partners from UCL and other institutions as 
part of the project is essential. 

In addition the knowledge of or interest in learning about computer security, 
networks, and information systems management will be essential to succeeding in 
this post.

This post will contribute to the EPSRC-funded IRIS project: Interface Reasoning 
for Interacting Systems. Part of the IRIS project is concerned with looking at 
organizational policy decisions and how they affect the performance of the 
organization in different dimensions, such as efficiency and security. 
Modelling tools can be used to help decision makers understand the behaviour of 
a system and how it will behave given different policy decisions.  
Organizations are complex systems, with technical, structural, human, and 
policy components that interact in complex ways.  To deal with this complexity, 
compositional approaches are needed, where parts of the system can be modelled 
independently and combined together according to rigorously specified 

The purpose of this job is to develop and apply the methodology and tools 
required to construct models that capture the structure, dynamics, and policy 
of organizations.  This will involve working with companies, including BT and 
HP Labs, to create models to help them make decisions about their real-world 

Enquiries:  David Pym (d....@ucl.ac.uk, http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/D.Pym/) or
Tristan Caulfield (t.caulfi...@ucl.ac.uk, https://www.tristancaulfield.com) 

Closing date: 18 April 2021

UCL: www.ucl.ac.uk 

UCL CS: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/computer-science/ 

PPLV: http://pplv.cs.ucl.ac.uk/welcome/ 

Information Security: http://sec.cs.ucl.ac.uk/home/

UCL HR page, including how to apply: 


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