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                  SYNCHRON'14 (EARLY ANNOUNCEMENT)
    International Open Workshop on Synchronous Programming

                November 30, December 4, 2014
            Centre CNRS Paul Langevin, Aussois, France

The 21st International Open Workshop on Synchronous Programming
(SYNCHRON'14) will be held in the Alps ski resort of Aussois, France,
between November 30 and December 4, 2014.

SYNCHRON is the yearly rendezvous for all researchers working in or
around the field of synchronous programming. It's an open forum where
students and researchers can present and discuss about ongoing work
on the numerous topics related to synchronous programming: language
design, compilation, validation, case-studies, models of computation
and communication, domain-specific languages, concurrency and
scheduling theory etc.

PLEASE SAVE THE DATE: The opening of the registration site will
be announced later, during September.

Kind regards,

The SYNCHRON'14 organizers (pascal.raym...@imag.fr and

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