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Dear colleague,
we cordially invite you to consider submitting a paper to the Special
Issue of the journal Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417; IF 2.217) on
“Static Analysis Techniques: Recent Advances and New Horizons”.

Static analysis is currently recognized as a key mean for enhancing
software security and reliability. It is widely recognized as a
fundamental approach for program verification, bug detection, compiler
optimization, program understanding, and software maintenance. In
fact, a white-box semantics-based approach to the analysis of source
code can automatically reveal errors that do not manifest until a
disaster occurs weeks, months or years after release, which might be
very difficult to reproduce and that might not be captured by testing,
as tests can only cover a finite number of execution traces. Several
techniques have been introduced in the scientific literature, and
several tools implementing such techniques are currently in use on
software written in different programming language targets and
focusing on different program properties.

This Special Issue is aimed at collecting new contributions in this
area, ranging from the introduction of new techniques to their
practical implementation and applications with a particular emphasis
on applied aspects, i.e., on the issues related to scalability,
interoperability, and maintainability of static analysis tools in
highly demanding real scenarios.

More infos at:

Contributions are welcome on all aspects of static analysis,
including, but not limited to:
Abstract Interpretation;
Data-flow and control-flow analysis;
Model checking;
Program verification;
Program certification;
Security analysis;
Type checking.

Submissions can address any programming paradigm, including
concurrent, constraint, functional, imperative, logic, and
object-oriented programming.
Extended versions of papers presented in international conferences are
welcome if the extended version contains significant additions which
were not in the conference version of the paper. In this case, the
authors are invited to submit a cover letter explaining how the
submitted paper differs from the conference one.

Prof. Dr. Agostino Cortesi
Dr. Pietro Ferrara
Guest Editors

prof. Agostino Cortesi
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy
[tel.: +39 041 234.8450 - mobile: +39 347 441.4010]

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