[TYPES/announce] [CfP] QAPL 2019: 16th Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems

2019-01-11 Thread Aldini, Alessandro
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

*QAPL 2019: 16th Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages
and Systems*
*Prague, Czechia, April 6-7, 2019*

Conference website:
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=qapl2019

Quantitative aspects of computation refer to the use of physical quantities
(time, bandwidth, etc.) as well as mathematical quantities (for example,
probabilities) for the characterisation of the behaviour and for
determining the properties of systems. Such quantities play a central role
in defining both the model of systems (architecture, language design,
semantics) and the methodologies and tools for the analysis and
verification of system properties. The aim of the QAPL workshop series is
to discuss the explicit use of time and probability and general quantities
either directly in the model or as a tool for the analysis or synthesis of
systems. The 16th edition of QAPL will also focus on discussing the
developments, challenges and results in this area covered by our workshop
in its nearly 20-year history.


The aim of the QAPL workshop series is to discuss the explicit use of time,
probability and general quantities either directly in the model or as a
tool for the analysis of systems.

The following main themes are relevant to the QAPL workshop:

the design of probabilistic, real-time, quantum languages and the
definition of semantical models for such languages;

the discussion of methodologies for the analysis of probabilistic and
timing properties (e.g. security, safety, schedulability);

the probabilistic analysis of systems which do not explicitly incorporate
quantitative aspects (e.g. performance analysis);

applications to safety-critical systems, communication protocols,
asynchronous hardware, etc.

The topics of the workshop are transversal to all areas of Computer Science
including Systems, Languages, Semantics, Analysis, Information Security
etc., and consists in the probabilistic, timing and generally quantitative
aspects of the various areas. Particular relevance will be given to the
emerging areas of Quantum Computation, Bioinformatics and System Biology.


In order to encourage participation and discussion, this workshop solicits
two types of submissions - extended abstracts and presentations:

1. Extended Abstracts: Submissions must be original work, and must not have
been previously published, nor be under consideration for publication
elsewhere. Regular paper submission must not exceed 6 pages (excluding the
bibliography), additional technical material, proofs etc. can be provided
in a clearly marked appendix which will  be read by reviewers at their
discretion. Regular papers will be reviewed by the PC.

2. Presentation Reports concern recent or ongoing work on relevan topics
and ideas, for timely discussion and feedback at the workshop. There is no
restriction as for previous/future publication of the contents of a
presentation. Typically, a presentation is based on a paper which recently
appeared (or which is going to appear) in the proceedings of another
recognised conference, or which has not yet been submitted. The (extended)
abstract of presentation submissions should not exceed 3 pages.
Presentation reports will be selected by the PC Chairs (based on the
availability of presentation time).

All submissions must be in PDF format and use the EPTCS LaTeX style.
Submissions can be made through Easychair.

The workshop PC will review all regular paper submissions based on their
relevance, merit, originality, and technical content. Presentation reports
will receive a lightweight review to establish their relevance for the
workshop. The authors of accepted submissions of both types are expected to
present and discuss their work at the workshop. Accepted regular papers
(allowing for minor corrections) will be published electronically in the
pre-proceedings available during the workshop and (extended versions of up
to 12-15 pages) after the workshop and a second review round  in the
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS) as
post-proceedings. We also plan a special issue of a journal.


For extended abstracts:

  Submission: 10 February 2019 (AoE)
  Notification: 27 February 2019
  Final extended versions (EPTCS proceedings): 7 May 2019

For presentation reports:

  Submission: 25 February 2019 (AoE)
  Notification: 28 February 2019


Alessandro Aldini, University of Urbino, Italy
Herbert Wiklicky, Imperial College London, UK

[TYPES/announce] Extended deadline ICTCS 2018 - Urbino (Italy)

2018-05-18 Thread Aldini, Alessandro
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

*Extended deadline ICTCS 2018*

Due to a high number of requests, the deadlines for abstract and paper
have been extended:

* Abstract submission: 24 May 2018 *
* Paper submission:31 May 2018 *

19th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science

18-20 September 2018, Urbino, Italy


*Important reminder -* two types of contributions are solicited, regular
and communications. A selection of the best papers will be invited for
to a special issue of an international journal.

*News -* we are pleased to announce two invited speakers:
Rossella Petreschi, Università di Roma "Sapienza", Italy
Davide Sangiorgi, Università di Bologna, Italy

[TYPES/announce] 18th FOSAD PhD School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design - cfp

2018-05-09 Thread Aldini, Alessandro
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

FOSAD 2018


27-31 August 2018, Bertinoro, Italy

 In cooperation with the
European Network for Cyber-security (NeCS)

*** Application Deadline: July 4, 2018

FOSAD has been one of the foremost events established
with the goal of disseminating knowledge about
foundations of security analysis and design to
graduate students and young computer scientists from
academia or industry.


The topics covered by the lectures include:
- network security
- secure multi party computation
- differential privacy
- software assurance
- access control


Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati (Univ. Milano)
Catalin Hritcu (INRIA)
Adrian Perrig (ETH)
Nigel Smart (KU Leuven)
Kunal Talwar (Google)

The courses alternate theory and practice sessions.


A special session is organized for participants
who intend to take advantage of the audience for
presenting their current research/tool in the area.


Martin Abadi   Javier Lopez
Alessandro Aldini  Fabio Martinelli (Chair)
Gilles Barthe  Catherine Meadows
Eerke Boiten   Bart Preneel
Sandro Etalle


The school is organized at the University Residential
Center of Bertinoro (CEUB), Italy:
The host venue provides a unique architectonical and
environmental setting joining the stunning views of
the hilltop of Bertinoro with the historical location
of the ancient fortress and the facilities of the
Center, which offers accommodation, meeting rooms,
and modern conference and computing services.


Prospective participants should apply through the
FOSAD web page by:
July 4, 2018.
Notification of accepted applicants will be posted by:
July 7, 2018.
Registration to the school is due by:
July 31, 2018.


The full fee is 900 Euros and covers stay from
August 26, in double room, half board (breakfast
and lunch), welcome dinner of August 26 and social
dinner included.
A limited amount of grants will be provided to
cover part of the fee for young researchers.

[TYPES/announce] 17th FOSAD Summer School: Foundations of Security Analysis and Design

2017-05-23 Thread Aldini, Alessandro
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

FOSAD 2017


28 August - 2 September 2017, Bertinoro, Italy

 In cooperation with the
European Network for Cyber-security (NeCS)

*** Application Deadline: June 23, 2017

FOSAD has been one of the foremost events established
with the goal of disseminating knowledge about
foundations of security analysis and design to
graduate students and young computer scientists from
academia or industry.


The topics covered by the lectures include:
- cryptocurrencies and transparency systems
- mobile security
- privacy engineering
- verification of security protocols
- information-flow control libraries
- machine learning and privacy


Joseph Bonneau (Stanford Univ.)
Lorenzo Cavallaro (Royal Holloway Univ. of London)
George Danezis (Univ. College London)
Stephanie Delaune (CNRS IRISA)
Alejandro Russo (Chalmers Univ.)
Vitaly Shmatikov (Cornell Univ.)

The courses alternate theory and practice sessions.

Participants will receive a copy of the book
"Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies".


FOSAD encourages talk proposals from PhD students who
are willing to present their novel and ongoing research
ideas and contributions.
The proposals, to be submitted by 1 August through the
FOSAD web page, will be selected by the scientific
committee for presentation at the PhD Forum, which
will be held on 30 August during the Summerschool.


Martin Abadi   Javier Lopez
Alessandro Aldini  Fabio Martinelli (Chair)
Gilles Barthe  Catherine Meadows
Eerke Boiten   Bart Preneel
Sandro Etalle


The school is organized at the University Residential
Center of Bertinoro (CEUB), Italy:
The host venue provides a unique architectonical and
environmental setting joining the stunning views of
the hilltop of Bertinoro with the historical location
of the ancient fortress and the facilities of the
Center, which offers accommodation, meeting rooms,
and modern conference and computing services.


Prospective participants should apply through the
FOSAD web page by:
June 23, 2017.
Notification of accepted applicants will be posted by:
June 24, 2017.
Registration to the school is due by:
July 24, 2017.


The full fee is 900 Euros and covers stay from
August 27, in double room, half board (breakfast
and lunch), welcome dinner of August 27 and social
dinner included.
A limited amount of grants will be provided to
cover part of the fee for young researchers.

[TYPES/announce] Foundations of Security Analysis and Design: FOSAD 2016 call for participation

2016-06-07 Thread Aldini, Alessandro
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

FOSAD 2016


29 August - 3 September 2016, Bertinoro, Italy

 In cooperation with the
European Network for Cyber-security (NeCS)

*** Application Deadline: June 20, 2016

FOSAD has been one of the foremost events established
with the goal of disseminating knowledge about
foundations of security analysis and design to
graduate students and young computer scientists from
academia or industry.


Eerke Boiten (Kent Univ.)
What's the unit of security?

Cas Cremers (Oxford Univ.)
Mathematical models, analysis tools, and Internet security

Emiliano de Cristofaro (Univ. College London)
Privacy-preserving information sharing: tools and applications

Bryan Ford (EPFL)
Secure systems building

Alfredo Pironti (IOActive)
Formal verification of security protocol implementations:
from theory to practice

Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (TU Darmstadt)
Practical systems security

Ankur Taly (Google Inc.)
Practical distributed authorization

The courses alternate theory and practice sessions.


Daily sessions are organized for participants
who intend to take advantage of the audience for
presenting their current research/tool in the area.


Martin Abadi   Javier Lopez
Alessandro Aldini  Fabio Martinelli (Chair)
Gilles Barthe  Catherine Meadows
Eerke Boiten   Bart Preneel
Sandro Etalle


The school is organized at the University Residential
Center of Bertinoro (CEUB), Italy:
The host venue provides a unique architectonical and
environmental setting joining the stunning views of
the hilltop of Bertinoro with the historical location
of the ancient fortress and the facilities of the
Center, which offers accommodation, meeting rooms,
and modern conference and computing services.


Prospective participants should apply through the
FOSAD web page by:
June 20, 2016.
Notification of accepted applicants will be posted by:
June 24, 2016.
Registration to the school is due by:
July 24, 2016.


The full fee is 900 Euros and covers stay from
August 28, in double room, half board (breakfast
and lunch), welcome dinner of August 28 and social
dinner included.
A limited amount of grants will be provided to
cover part of the fee for young researchers.

[TYPES/announce] FOSAD summerschool: Foundations of Security Analysis and Design 2016

2016-05-25 Thread Aldini, Alessandro
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

FOSAD 2016


29 August - 3 September 2016, Bertinoro, Italy

 In cooperation with the
European Network for Cyber-security (NeCS)

*** Application Deadline: June 20, 2016

FOSAD has been one of the foremost events established
with the goal of disseminating knowledge about
foundations of security analysis and design to
graduate students and young computer scientists from
academia or industry.


Eerke Boiten (Kent Univ.)
What's the unit of security?

Cas Cremers (Oxford Univ.)
Mathematical models, analysis tools, and Internet security

Emiliano de Cristofaro (Univ. College London)
Privacy-preserving information sharing: tools and applications

Bryan Ford (EPFL)
Secure systems building

Alfredo Pironti (INRIA)
Formal verification of security protocol implementations:
from theory to practice

Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (TU Darmstadt)
Practical systems security

Ankur Taly (Google Inc.)
Practical distributed authorization

The courses alternate theory and practice sessions.


Daily sessions are organized for participants
who intend to take advantage of the audience for
presenting their current research/tool in the area.


Martin Abadi   Javier Lopez
Alessandro Aldini  Fabio Martinelli (Chair)
Gilles Barthe  Catherine Meadows
Eerke Boiten   Bart Preneel
Sandro Etalle


The school is organized at the University Residential
Center of Bertinoro (CEUB), Italy:
The host venue provides a unique architectonical and
environmental setting joining the stunning views of
the hilltop of Bertinoro with the historical location
of the ancient fortress and the facilities of the
Center, which offers accommodation, meeting rooms,
and modern conference and computing services.


Prospective participants should apply through the
FOSAD web page by:
June 20, 2016.
Notification of accepted applicants will be posted by:
June 24, 2016.
Registration to the school is due by:
July 24, 2016.


The full fee is 900 Euros and covers stay from
August 28, in double room, half board (breakfast
and lunch), welcome dinner of August 28 and social
dinner included.
A limited amount of grants will be provided to
cover part of the fee for young researchers.

[TYPES/announce] 4th Intl. Workshop on ‘Quantitative Aspects of Security Assurance’ - QASA 2015 - Preliminary CfP

2015-04-22 Thread Aldini, Alessandro
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

4th  Intl. Workshop on ‘Quantitative Aspects of Security Assurance’
(QASA 2015)
co-located with ESORICS 2015 (21-25 Sept. 2015, Vienna)

 Preliminary Call for papers 


There is increasing need to provide quantification of security assurance
over the multi-level development
life-cycle of systems  services, e.g., from requirements elicitation to
run-time operation and maintenance.
Addressing such quantitative aspects, the QASA workshop aims to bring
together researchers and practitioners
interested in the quantification research dimensions spanning
dependability, security, privacy and risk,
and with particular emphasis on techniques for service oriented
architectures, IoT and cyber-physical systems.

The list of topics includes, but it is not limited to:

-Assurance cases modeling and analysis
-Game theoretical models for cyber insurance
-Incremental/modular security assurance analysis
-Metrics for trust, security and privacy
-Model-based techniques for assurance
-Process compliance assurance techniques
-Probabilistic/stochastic model checking
-Quantitative information flow analysis
-Quantitative issues in access and usage control
-Security testing techniques
-Simulation techniques for security, privacy, risk
-Static/dynamic code analysis techniques
-Tool support for quantitative security assurance

Submission dates:

Submission: June 21 2015
Notification: July 28 2015
Camera ready pre-procs: August 20 2015
Final post-procs: October 2015

Workshop organizers:

Alessandro Aldini, Univ. of Urbino
Fabio Martinelli, CNR
Neeraj Suri, TU Darmstadt

PC members (TBC):

Andrea Bondavalli, Univ. of Florence
Tom Clothia,  Univ. of Birmingham
Jorge Cuellar, Siemens
Frédéric Cuppens, Telecom-Bretagne
Joaquin Garcia Alfaro, Telecom-SudParis
Javier Lopez, Univ. of Malaga
Jesus Luna, CSA
Cathy Meadows, NRL
Charles Morisset, Univ. of Newcastle
Pierangela Samarati, Univ. of Milan
Reijo Savola, VTT
Ketil Stoelen, SINTEF
Lorenzo Strigini, City London University
Herbert Wiklicky, ICL

Program  Proceedings
The program will consist of invited speakers as well as of presentations of
submitted papers.
As in previous edition, revised version of the selected papers are expected
to be published
in a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series of Springer.
Journal special issue is also planned.

Contact:Email: qasa2...@iit.cnr.it