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University of Glasgow - School of Computing Science

Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer/ Reader in Programming Language Foundations


Grade 7 (Lecturer) £35,845 - £40,322
Grade 8 (Lecturer) £44,045 - £51,034
Grade 9 (Senior Lecturer / Reader) £52,560 - £59,135 per annum.

The University of Glasgow, established in 1451, is a member of the UK's Russell Group of leading universities. The University is committed to enhancing its position as one of the world's great broad-based research-intensive universities.

Applications for the post are welcome in the area of Programming Language Foundations.

Research in this area is situated within the Formal Analysis, Theory and Algorithms (FATA) Section and the Programming Languages Theme (https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/research/researchthemes/pl-theme/__;!!IBzWLUs!GRaKX9b4_HiLLGge8oOWfxclC_jy3OMPTz5Ouu2HoX6cOB9OW0QCrXQDyxvE5qu7pt8J52SEk1-dpg$ ) of the School of Computing Science.

Current topics include programming language semantics and type systems, session types for concurrent and distributed systems, mechanised metatheory for programming languages, and quantum programming languages.

A broader context is provided by collaboration with the Glasgow Systems Section (GLASS) on topics including actor languages, runtime systems, automatic parallelisation, and digital security by design. We also run the Programming Languages at University of Glasgow (PLUG) seminar series, participate in the Scottish Programming Languages Seminar (SPLS), contribute to the Scottish Programming Languages and Verification Summer School, and collaborate Europe-wide in the Behavioural API (BehAPI) network.

The postholder will develop, lead and sustain research of international standard in Computing Science; contribute to teaching, assessment, project supervision and curriculum design at undergraduate and postgraduate levels; and participate in School management and organisation.

For appointment at Reader you will have an outstanding track record of national and international distinction and leadership in research, including publications, income, and awards, bringing external recognition and distinction to yourself and the University.

This position is equivalent to US tenure track Assistant or Associate Professor.

For further details please visit:

https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.flipsnack.com/UofGRecruitment/lslr-in-programming-language-foundations-063787.html__;!!IBzWLUs!GRaKX9b4_HiLLGge8oOWfxclC_jy3OMPTz5Ouu2HoX6cOB9OW0QCrXQDyxvE5qu7pt8J52Tgqq9sDA$ https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CII151/lecturer-senior-lecturer-reader-in-programming-language-foundations__;!!IBzWLUs!GRaKX9b4_HiLLGge8oOWfxclC_jy3OMPTz5Ouu2HoX6cOB9OW0QCrXQDyxvE5qu7pt8J52Q6Wb9IUg$ We strongly endorse the principles of Athena SWAN, including a supportive and flexible working environment, with commitment from all levels of the organisation in promoting gender equity. We particularly welcome applications from women and other groups who are traditionally under-represented in Computing Science.

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