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PhD Positions on Trustworthy Electronic Elections

(for more information see  http://www.demtech.dk/)

The IT University of Copenhagen invites applications for several PhD positions 
on developing and evaluating trustworthy electronic election technology.   With 
this project, we try to prove that it is possible to modernize the democratic 
process using information technology without losing the trust of the voters.   
The PhD positions are concerned with different aspects of this research 
question, for example, how to design formal techniques to hold machines 
accountable for their actions, to run trusted code in untrusted environments, 
to develop software in a trust-preserving way, and to 
evaluate technology form a societal point of view.   

Applicants should have a strong background and interest in some combination of 
the following areas in computer science: cryptography, concurrency, epistemic 
logics, formal methods, information security, modal logics, operational 
semantics, programming languages, proof assistants, logical frameworks, 
requirement engineering, rewriting theory, security protocol design, software 
engineering, theorem proving, type theory and social science: democracy and 
science, democratic governance, ethnographic studies and ethnography of 
technologies, genealogy of democracy and technology, political technologies, 
public understanding of science, trust in information, science and technology 
studies (STS).

To apply, please visit the project homepage  http://www.demtech.dk/. Early 
expressions of interest are encouraged: Carsten Schuermann (cars...@itu.dk), 
Joseph Kiniry (kin...@acm.org), Randi Markussen (r...@itu.dk), Christopher Gad 
(c...@itu.dk), or nina Boulus (n...@itu.dk).  

Best regards,
-- Carsten Schuermann and Joseph Kiniry

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