[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Dear Colleagues,

We are looking for PhD students and postdocs in the area of
Programming, Logic and Semantics, here at Aarhus University, Denmark.
Several positions are available, in projects ranging from automated
static and dynamic analysis of libraries and frameworks for web
applications; theories and tools for language-based security; theories
and tools for modular reasoning about higher-order concurrent
imperative programs; and type theory and interactive proof assistants.

Please circulate this announcement to potential applicants and
encourage them to get in contact with one of us.

Best wishes,

Aslan Askarov (as...@cs.au.dk<mailto:as...@cs.au.dk>)
Lars Birkedal (birke...@cs.au.dk<mailto:birke...@cs.au.dk>)
Olivier Danvy (da...@cs.au.dk<mailto:da...@cs.au.dk>)
Anders Møller (amoel...@cs.au.dk<mailto:amoel...@cs.au.dk>)

Students interested in pursueing a PhD should apply
at the Graduate School for Science and Technology
(next deadline May 1, 2015).  They are encouraged to get
in contact with one of us before applying.

Potential postdocs should get in contact with us directly.
Positions are typically for 2 years.

Salary and working conditions for PhD students
and postdocs are very competetive.

Lars Birkedal
Head of Department of Computer Science, Professor
Head of Logic and Semantics Group
Department of Computer Science
Aarhus University

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